Planning a trip to Europe? Why not make a quick stop in Rome, the Eternal City. Alitalia, the flag carrier airline of Italy, is currently offering free stopovers up to three nights long for their passengers. If you’re wondering what a stopover is, allow me to explain. It’s basically an intentionally long layover so you can actually spend some time...

Alitalia was the world's most punctual airline in January with 91.89% of flights arriving on time, independent US firm FlightStats said Thursday. The January data follow those for 2017 which confirm "the excellent operational trend of the airline," FlightStats said, "with 82.78% of flights arriving on time, placing it third among main European airl...

Si scrive «basic» o «light», a seconda della sponda dell’Atlantico nella quale ci si trova. Si traduce «spendi di meno per il volo, ma bagaglio in stiva e scelta del posto sono un extra». E l’«extra» può toccare pure i 140 euro. A passeggero. È la nuova fase dei collegamenti Europa-Usa. E stavolta non riguarda soltanto chi decide di salire a bordo...

Choose Chicago, l’ente ufficiale di promozione turistica della città di Chicago, ha iniziato una partnership con Master Consulting Fl per l’implementazione e attivazione di diversi programmi dedicati ad agenti di viaggio e tour operator. «Nel 2016, l’Italia si è posizionata al nono posto per numero di visitatori oltre oceano, scalando una posizione...

Yesterday I attended an Alitalia press conference where the airline’s new chief commercial officer, Fabio Maria Lazzerini, just two months in the position, discussed what’s new and what the future holds for the airline. A few facts and figures for the airline: Alitalia and its partners fly to more than 1,000 destinations in the world. In 2016 custo...

Alitalia has filed for bankruptcy protection in a US court, temporarily safeguarding its stateside operations and assets from creditors as it is offered for sale in Italy. US bankruptcy judge Sean Lane granted the Italian flag carrier a restraining order for 10 days until 23 June, court documents show. The order will automatically be extended to 26...

Alitalia is set to operate direct Rome-Los Angeles service also during the winter season. The Italian airline has decided to extend this service, which was operated in the last years only between April and October, with three weekly frequencies for the upcoming winter season. The Rome-Los Angeles flight is the only direct connection between Italy a...

Alitalia e Delta mettono in vendita biglietti in offerta per volare sui collegamenti diretti delle due Compagnie fra Milano Malpensa e New York JFK.In classe economica, i biglietti sono in vendita fino al 1° ottobre a partire da €498 (tasse incluse) per volare indistintamente con Alitalia e Delta fra il 1° ottobre e il 15 aprile 2014 (esclusi i per...

Alitalia today launched a new global promotional campaign in 30 countries with flight tickets available for sale until February 2 for travel in 2016. The airline has on offer in Italy more than 1.36 million seats at promotional fares for domestic and international flights. Fares will include all taxes and fees and start at €36 for one-way...

Alitalia has launched a new global marketing brand, which encompasses a TV commercial, designer staff and alliances with top Italian brands.   The event that took place at the Nazionale Spazio Eventi in Rome, was attended by hundreds of global media representatives and invited guests. The television commerciai celebrates the Italian airline...