New facilities and equipment investments drive LiDestri Foods' operations in Rochester, NY, and Fresno, CA. Last year, LiDestri also made a major investment in its Fresno, CA, plant by becoming as Davis believes "the first in North America" to be able to fill and package low-acid, retorted, spouted pouches using robotic retort loading and unlo...

By Deborah Vankin   Who knew the sound of insanity could be so beautiful? We had the opportunity to sit in on a rehearsal of Los Angeles Opera's production of Gaetano Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor," which opens Saturday. The afternoon was the very first time cast or crew would be rehearsing with the rare, treasured instrument -- the...

Si e' svolta presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura lo scorso 24 marzo l'assemblea annuale dei soci della Camera di Commercio Italo Americana di Los Angeles (Italy America Chamber of Commerce West – IACCW), nel corso della quale sono stati illustrati programmi e strategie per rafforzare l'attivita' e contribuire – di concerto con le Istituzioni ital...

The great Italian composer, musician and director performs for the first time in Los Angeles, at the Nokia Theatre, for an exceptional event called "The Music, the Movies, the Legend". Mostly known for his over 500 film soundtracks, he has also written orchestral, vocal, piano and chamber works.   Info and tickets at http://www.nokiatheatrel...

La Delegazione di San Francisco dell'Accademia Italiana della Cucina ha celebrato recentemente il 30º anniversario dalla fondazione della prestigiosa istituzione culinaria nella Bay Area.   Fondata a Milano nel 1953 da Orio Vergani e designata Istituzione Culturale della Repubblica Italiana nel 2003, la missione dell'Accademia è di salvaguar...

A longtime Fresno business was honored in Sacramento today as part of California Small Business Day. The owner of Sam's Italian Deli were named as the 31st Assembly District's Small Business of the Year by Assemblymember Henry T. Perea "for their Italian spirit and familial feel that has customers enter as strangers and leave as family."  ...

As this blog noted last week, Prime Minister Renzi kicked off his first official trip to the United States by listening to the community of Italian Silicon Valley startuppers, mentors, investors and academics.   150 people were in attendance and 15 of them presented their current projects, expectations and policy suggestions. Prime Minister...

di Francesca Scorcucchi   È napoletano il nuovo Console d'Italia a Los Angeles, Antonio Verde, insediato da pochi giorni. 53 anni, laurea in Scienze Politiche all'Orientale, ha iniziato la carriera diplomatica nel 1990. Ha lavorato all'Ambasciata italiana a Tokyo, poi è stato a Mosca, Strasburgo e Sidney, dove ha ricoperto per la prima volta...

The Order Sons of Italy in America Weed Lodge #1269 scholarship application is now available for high school seniors planning to graduate this spring and enroll in college or trade school in the fall of 2015.    Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 for high school credit courses through seven consecutive semesters, and have a paren...

di Mauro Battocchi   This Friday on Food Revolution Day, communities across the world will come together and celebrate fresh food, the joy of cooking, healthy eating, and of course, enjoy amazing meals together. To honor this exceptional movement, the Italian Cultural Institute is hosting a food and wine tasting paired with the acclaimed Tre...