On Saturday, November 2, 2013 the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame (NIASHF) officially inducted its Class of 2013 at a celebratory dinner dance. Welcoming guests from throughout the United States were NIASHF National Spokesman and New York Mets Hall of Famer Mike Piazza. Piazza was joined by Chicago radio and television sports broadca...

By Steven Dahlman   The structural engineers who designed Eataly Chicago to hold tons of Italian food and drink are finalists in an annual "Excellence in Structural Engineering" award presented by the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois.   The two-story, 63,000 square foot emporium offers 23 dining options, including eight re...

Venetian cooking school founder and author Contessa Enrica Rocca uncorks her debut line of Prosecco this April, following its successful launch in Europe. Made from hand-harvested Glera grapes, Enrica Rocca Prosecco is produced in a small vineyard in the Veneto. Both varieties, the classic Brut and the sweeter Extra Dry, were created in compliance...

FederlegnoArredo celebra e rafforza la collaborazione Italia-Usa nel design d'arredo. Una partnership fondamentale per la crescita delle esportazioni italiane di settore che nel 2012 sono cresciute del 17% per un giro d'affari Oltreoceano di oltre mezzo miliardo.È così che in occasione del 52° Salone Internazionale del Mobile è stato presentato Eme...

Appuntamento martedì 18 giugno, alle 11.00, con Theodore Grippo, eminente personalità nel campo giuridico, residente a Chicago, insignito del premio "Lucani Insigni" nel 2009, che sarà ricevuto dal presidente del Consiglio della Basilicata, Vincenzo Santochirico, e dal presidente della Commissione dei Lucani all'estero, Luigi Scaglione.   Gr...

Dopo i riconoscimenti ricevuti a Londra per il project financing in ambito europeo e continentale – Project Financing International Awards di Thomson Reuters e - Project Financing Magazine di Euromoney Conferences, arriva sabato 4 ottobre il terzo ed importante premio internazionale consegnato a Chicago (Illinois – USA): Francesco Bettoni, Presiden...

Senatore Renato Turano presented Shirley Fedeli with the Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia at the Festa della Repubblica celebration hosted by Italian Consul General Adriano Monti on June 2 at the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame in Chicago.   The award was bestowed by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano upon Shirley in honor...

Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016 Hours: 6:00 p.m. Site: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago - 500 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago In collaboration with: http://davinci1.eventbrite.com Join us for the first of three lectures about Leonardo da Vinci by Daniele Macuglia, University of...

by Dan Niemiec   Will Rogers, the great humorist of nearly a century ago, used to say "All I know is what I read in the papers." This was his way of saying that he learned the truth from the newspapers, which was ironic even then. Just about every form of news, if properly scrutinized, has the potential for opinions that are stated as facts,...

Si terrà il 26 settembre all'Hotel Hilton il Gala&Award Dinner 2013 della Italian Chamber of Commerce di Chicago. In occasione dell'evento, verranno consegnati i consueti premi indetti dalla Camera di Commercio: il Business executive of the year Award andrà a Robert Allegrini, vice presidente di Corporate Communications - The Americas, Hil...