A short documentary entitled Gelato Man follows the meticulous crafting process of local gelato maker, or gelatiere, Carlo Gattini. He owns Botolino Gelateria Artigianale, which opened in Lower Greenville in 2017, and its Royal Lane sister shop; the latter celebrated its one-year anniversary this month. The man and the wizardry are captured on film...

An Eataly Wine & Cheese Festa? It’s happening, amici! Celebrate the season on Thursday, July 29 with crisp whites, bold reds, and refreshing rosés at our Wine & Cheese Fest: A Dozen Rosé. Taste, you guessed it, a dozen Italian rosé, plus a few hand-selected reds and whites, and peruse more than five chef-curated tasting stations, and an overflowing...

Webuild and its U.S. subsidiary Lane Construction have signed the final agreement worth $16 billion with Texas Central LCC to build the first true high-speed railway in the United States between Dallas and Houston. The agreement is the final step ahead of the financial closure - foreseen in the coming months - and the start of construction of the m...

Domenica 13 Giugno la Comunità Italiana ed Italo-Americana si e’ riunita nell’area  metropolitana di Dallas/Ft Worth in Texas (dopo 18 mesi dall’ultimo evento avvenuto di presenza, causa Covid)a seguito dell’iniziativa del Rappresentante del Cgie Vincenzo Arcobelli che in cooperazione con le Associazioni che operano sul territorio Texano, la CSNA,...

Another one of our guests of honor attending the Authentic Italian Table dinner, June 3, at Terra restaurant at Eataly is good friend of the chamber Richard Gussoni, the honorary Italian consul for Dallas/Ft. Worth and and founder and CEO of one of the most successful high-end catering and events planning companies in the state of Texas — Culinaire...

Chef prodigy Luke Rogers, who most recently wowed at Klyde Warren Park in downtown Dallas, has found a new roost: He's working on a new restaurant in Plano called Cathedral Italian Bistro, featuring Italian cuisine with Texas ingredients in dishes such as pizza, pasta, and Wagyu steak. The restaurant is located at 8103 Rasor Blvd. #110, in the form...

A high-end Italian designer known for its luxury leather shoes, accessories, and sports and travel bags has chosen Dallas for just its second U.S. boutique: Max Stanco has opened in NorthPark Center. The brand's only other American outpost is in Atlanta. "Inspired to bring energy and creativity to today's luxury market, Max Stanco understands the c...

A chef-owned Italian restaurant from Chicago is coming to downtown Dallas: Called Etta, it's from chef Danny Grant and will open in the East Quarter, the development on the easternmost side of the Central Business District. According to a release, Etta will open in 2022. It's going into a century-old two-story building at 2203 Commerce St., where i...

Eataly Dallas, home to all things wheat and gluten, is opening a coffeeshop. Called Caffè Lavazza, it'll be an Italian-style, all-day café and bar, in partnership with Lavazza, an Italian coffee company. The cafe will serve breakfast, lunch, and "merenda" for dining-in or to-go. Merenda is an afternoon snack, so if you want a real meal for dinner,...

The Italian Program announces the winner of the 2020-2021 “Italian Club of Dallas” Scholarship! This year’s recipient is…Alexa Hassell, who will be spending the summer in Rome. Alexa Hassell is a current sophomore who knew what she wanted to do from day one. Before starting her first day of classes, she walked into Italian Program Director Anthony...