by Marta Casadei   The Salone del Mobile is a key event for the home furnishing sector, which has always been the flagship of Italian industry. This year the 54th edition of the trade show will open on Tuesday, April 14 at the Fair of Milan-Rho and will involve 2,000 exhibitors, including furniture, lighting and office accessory companies....

by Laura Cavestri   The Italian government plans to keep fighting for "Made In" labelling. As the Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda (who also oversees international trade) has explained: it's yes to a "Made In" limited to five sectors - ceramics, footwear and textile-clothing as proposed by the EU Commission, but also incl...

by Barbara Minafra   Una cascata capace di scrivere messaggi di benvenuto con le gocce d'acqua, un'ampia scalinata che accoglie i visitatori e un orto verticale pieno di piantine che profumano di basilico, menta o rosmarino la terrazza. ll Padiglione a stelle e strisce che racconta il concetto alimentare americano 2.0, è un edificio progett...

EastBanc, Inc. and Jamestown announced onday that Donghia, the contemporary home furnishings design trade showroom specializing in decorative fabrics and furniture, has signed a ten-year lease to occupy a retail space in Georgetown at 3334 Cady's Alley.   Donghia is relocating from the Washington Design Center to Cady's Alley in the 3,413-sq...

By Paul Glader   In the U.S., motorcycles conjure images of loud, reverberating, menacing engines on stout, chrome-heavy frames adorned in black leather. We're talking Harley Davidson rallies in Sturgis and Daytona, the cinematic scenes of Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in Easy Rider, the disgruntled war veterans, immigrants and roughnecks ri...

Ducati Scrambler and Italia Independent present their new creations in Miami. During the week of the prestigious contemporary art exhibition "Art Basel" at the Setai Hotel, the two brands launched a new limited edition Ducati Scrambler and a collection of dedicated sunglasses inspired by the "Land of Joy," the theme that characterizes the iconic mo...

In 2014, Milanese design house Zagato celebrated its 95th year in business. Now, a new exhibition and accompanying coffee table book showcase the highpoints of this near-century at the forefront of automotive design... The exhibition, being held at the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile in Turin until mid-March, celebrates Zagato's influence on the i...

L'azienda Bellini Modern Living, nata nel 2002 con base a Toronto e volta al mercato canadese, sta continuando la sua espansione negli Stati Uniti, già iniziata nel 2007. Così, dopo due anni di lavori, con l'obiettivo di rispondere ad una domanda sempre più elevata di arredamento stile contemporaneo, è stato dato il via alla nuova divisione Bellin...

17 SEPTEMBER 2015 / 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMCIMA - 421 BROOME STREET, 4TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10013 T 646 370 3596Italian designers are no strangers to New York City, with many famous Italian designers having lived and worked in New York. Many of them have shaped New York – as much as the city has shaped them – through their work and influence as thought-l...

#sofa4manhattan è il progetto di Berto e Design-Apart, nato da una visione dell'azienda come ecosistema aperto, dove a pensare, progettare e realizzare un divano su misura possono essere persone diverse, anche esterne al nostro laboratorio. Abbiamo voluto aprire l'azienda a nuovi modi di interpretare il design, la produzione e la distribuzione, gu...