"Certo, è una grossa cifra, ma faccio finta che non esista: non è da lì che arriva il business". Dario Snaidero sorride e prova a minimizzare. E con qualche ragione. Perché in effetti non capita ogni giorno di ricevere una commessa da 450mila dollari per una cucina, l'equivalente in Italia del costo di un paio di appartamenti.    Il mil...

Joint six-week course for Italian and U.S students at the Design Department aimed at creating prototype designs that integrate their two approaches   JUNE 2013 - MILAN POLITECNICO The project aims to support a collaboration between the Milan Politecnico and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the field known as "des...

Two new sculptures will stand outside Bryant Park this Fall, "The Guardians: Hero and Superhero," by architect and designer Antonio Pio Saracino. Mr. Saracino had the unusual good fortune of being offered two commissions by two groups at more or less the same time—he counter-proposed that they all work together.   "Hero," constructed from wh...

by Rita Cipalla   On a quiet street not far from downtown Seattle, tucked between overgrown fields and train tracks, are several drab-brown buildings with white roll-up doors. Their nondescript location belies the fact that some of the world's most revolutionary research in automotive materials is going on inside. The Automobili Lamborghini...