Nel mondo della ricerca e dell’Università, l’internazionalizzazione è un criterio sempre più importante per valutare l’eccellenza dei percorsi scientifici tracciati. Per questo motivo, poter vantare esperienze di studio e ricerca all’estero è senza dubbio uno dei più importanti valori aggiunti nella carriera di un aspirante ricercatore. Tra i progr...

Il 28 novembre 2018, in coincidenza con la firma ufficiale dell'accordo tra Learn Italy USA e Montclair State University sui Corsi di Alta Formazione per la promozione dell'eccellenza italiana nel settore del Made In & By Italy, avrà inizio la nuova stagione di Eventi e Formazione di Learn Italy USA. Per il periodo 2018/2019 saranno attivi tre Cors...

It’s no secret: Bocce has been a staple in Sunny Italy for as far back as anyone can remember. And today, everyone is playing bocce with the  hottest sport in Italy continuing to catch on like wildfire in the U.S. And former Assemblyman Lou Tobacco -- now associate executive director of Staten Island University Hospital and Farrell alum -- knows it...

Sometimes I’m lucky to meet great Italian Americans spread all over the country, who show their passion about Italy, their commitment about celebrating and representing the Italian American community, their loyalty to both the nations they belong to, America and Italy. Today we have with us one of these fine gentlemen, Robert J. DiBiase. Bob is the...

The Thirteenth Conference of Italian Researchers in the World will be held on December 1, 2018, at Richland College, Sabine Hall #118, 12800 Abrams Road in Dallas, Texas.  Organized by the Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo (CTIM) in partnership with COMITES ~ Houston, which represents the Consular District including Arkansas, Louisiana,...

Please join us for the Opening of the Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies on October 18, 2018. The Donato Center was established on January 21, 2017, thanks to a $1.1 million donation by longtime supporter of Italian Studies, Mario Giannini. Named for the director of the George L. Graziadio Center for Italian...

The New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission (NJIHC) is launching a new networking event for Italian organization leaders, titled “Strengthening Italian Studies Summit: GetOnTheMap!” Scheduled for October 28th from 2pm to 5pm in the Rutgers College Avenue Student Center, the Summit promises to be an educational and entertaining afternoon, wherein gue...

Gustavo Piga, an economist from the University of Rome Tor Vergata will give a public lecture Friday [Oct. 5] at Mississippi State University. Piga’s lecture, titled “Can the European Union Aspire to Become the United States of Europe?,” will take place at 11:30 a.m. in Fowlkes Auditorium of the Colvard Student Union. The event is free and open to...

When: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 From 6:00 pm To 7:30 pm - Where: Lohrfink Auditorium, Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business, 2nd Floor, 3700 O Street NW, Washington, DC, 20002 In anticipation of the 2019 celebration of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the Georgetown University Italian Research Institute, in collab...

At a state-of-the-art demonstration kitchen, chefs adept at diverse cuisines are sharing their secrets with home cooks in classes at the newly opened North American Pizza & Culinary Academy in Lisle. Several celebrity chefs will be guest faculty this autumn. In addition, the academy and a center in San Francisco are the only two professional school...