AFSAI, Associazione per la Formazione, gli Scambi e le Attività Interculturali, rende noto che sono aperte nuove disponibilità per i programmi scolastici negli Stati Uniti: le candidature vanno inviate entro il 15 aprile prossimo. Entro tale termine è anche possibile candidarsi per i programmi scolastici in Francia (con possibilità di cors...
READ MORETake summer courses in Italian Studies at UC Berkeley!Language courses in Italian, culture courses in English, for all skill levels!Italian conversation (theme: Italian families); Dante's Divine Comedy; Italian cinema. To enroll, go to the Summer Sessions website: For a more detailed programme, click on th...
READ MOREThe Italian Club has a lot of fun Summer News to announce. We hope that you will join us. Classes We have 3 classes beginning in July: Beginning Italian – Tuesdays beginning 7/22 from 5:30 to 7:00. Taught by Davide.Beginning Italian 3 – Saturdays beginning 7/19 from 11:30 to 1:00. Taught by Natasha.Intermediate Italian 3 – Saturdays begi...
READ MOREby Anthony J. Tamburri Study Italian Diaspora Culture. In Calabria through a Unique Summer Program. This three-week summer program at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende) takes place June 15th through July 3rd and is designed to introduce participants (doctoral students and professors) to cultural studies of the Itali...
READ MOREBy Mary O'Leary Sal Milardo broke down several times as he described the last four years following his mother's deportation to Italy after she had lived in the United States for almost 50 years. "My mother has served as a caretaker and guardian angel for all of us," Milardo said. "She has always been there when we neede...
READ MOREThe Italian Studies Division in the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania seeks applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Italian Studies. The candidate should have a PhD and native or near native proficiency in Italian; a strong background in 20th- & 21st-century literature, and in...
READ MOREThe Italian Program at the University of Pittsburgh (part of the Department of French & Italian) invites applications to their Master's Program in Italian. Founded in 1968, the MA in Italian at Pitt offers a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to graduate study in the field of italianistica and a cutting-edge preparation in the post-seconda...
READ MOREBy John Phillips Italy must follow the USA and create more private universities to prevent the Italian youth workforce becoming "marginalised," American University of Rome President Richard Hodges says. "We are in a global market, not just a national one, so this needs to be reflected in people's education," Dr Hodges told the Italian Insider...
READ MORELo scopo dei programmi della Fondazione Giovanni Armenise-Harvard e' quello di sostenere la ricerca di promettenti giovani scienziati, di contribuire alla creazione di nuove aree di ricerca nel settore delle scienze biologiche in Italia e di rafforzare e sviluppare i rapporti di collaborazione tra gli scienziati italiani e la Harvard...
READ MOREBy Goffredo Palmerini Venivano ogni anno all'Aquila gli studenti della Georgetown University di Washington DC per l'attesa Summer School guidata dalla prof. Laura Benedetti, che di quell'ateneo è direttrice del Dipartimento di Italiano. Ormai era un'annuale consuetudine, per la quale gli studenti di quella università facevano a gara per a...