by Mollie Simon Since its founding in 1222, the University of Padua, or the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italian, has been home to countless experimenters, including Copernicus and Galileo. Soon, University of Georgia students will be able to conduct research at this same institution. By the end of 2015, UGA and University o...
READ MOREBy Maurita Cardone La cultura italiana ha tante voci e per farle arrivare oltreoceano servono buone istituzioni culturali. Alla Montclair State University del New Jersey, la cattedra Inserra in Italiano e Studi italo-americani, intitolata a Theresa Inserra, offre un cartellone di eventi dedicati alla cultura italiana a trecentosessanta gradi. Tit...
READ MOREKnow how to say hello and goodbye in Italian (ciao) but want to learn more?The Order Sons of Italy in America, Geneva Lodge 2397, is sponsoring free Italian lessons each Thursday evening in October as part of its celebration of Italian culture and heritage month. The lessons are geared for adults and high-school- age students and are primarily for...
READ MORESapere bene l'inglese e avere l'abilitazione per l'insegnamento dell'italiano non garantisce ai docenti un posto nelle scuole pubbliche degli USA. Infatti, quasi tutti gli istituti che assumono nuovi docenti d'italiano cercano insegnanti abilitati in almeno due lingue. Gli amministratori che scelgono i curricula, per i colloqui di lingua, respingon...
READ MORESono ormai trent'anni che è stato avviato un gemellaggio tra l'Istituto Tecnico Economico "Cesare Battisti" di Bolzano e la "Union Endicott" High School di Endicott nello Stato di New York ed anche quest'anno l'ormai tradizionale scambio di studenti si ripete grazie all'impegno di un gruppo di docenti e delle famiglie degli studenti. Quest...
READ MOREIn a sudden, surprise announcement Friday morning, U.S. secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, is resigning. She is set to become the first woman president of the University of California's "10-campus," education system in its "145-year history," the L.A. Times reported. Read more Source: http://www.bizpac...
READ MOREThe Department of Modern and Classical Languages at Cibola HIgh School, Albuquerque, NM, has an opening for a full-time Italian teacher, beginning in August 2014. The position involves teaching levels 1 through AP. Cibola, part of the Albuquerque Public Schools District, is an urban high school with approximately 1800 students and a growin...
READ MORESteven Hughes, Ph.D., professor and chair of history at Loyola University Maryland, is the recipient of a Fulbright Senior Research Grant to study the 19th and 20th century evolution of an Italian law that drastically lessened the punishment for honor killings. Hughes will conduct his research in Rome during the 2014-15 academic year, with...
READ MOREThe We Love Italian campaign in the Bay Area is raising needed money to bolster Italian language education and Italian AP test taking among schoolchildren. And the work is paying off. Just recently, the Lowell High School in San Francisco received a $7,000 grant from the campaign to replace old textbooks, which were falling apart, with a new text c...
READ MOREWe are pleased to announce the publication of the Calandra Institute's 2016 College Scholarship Handbook. This directory provides information on well over one hundred scholarships available to Italian American students and students of Italian studies. Please be advised that the Calandra Institute does not provide additional scholarship inf...