Dal 10 al 13 luglio all'Hotel Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, si è tenuta l'annuale conferenza sugli AP. Al convegno, rivolto a tutti i docenti di AP (Advancement Placement Program), erano previsti tre seminari sul programma di AP Italian; simposi dedicati ad incoraggiare i docenti d'italiano a lavorare per lo sviluppo dei corsi AP Italian.  ...

L'Italian American Museum, in collaborazione con l'Italian American Committee on Education, propone un corso di lingua e cultura italiana che comincerà a settembre con 11 classi.   Per presentare il programma e gli insegnanti è stato organizzato un incontro per il 23 settembre prossimo alle 18 presso la sede del Museo al 155 di Mulberry Stre...

The Department of Modern Languages at Kansas State University invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian, term position, for the 2015-2016 academic year, with an option to be renewed. Completed PhD by August 2015 preferred, ABD considered.   Native or near-native proficiency in Italian required. Generalist with abilit...

The Department of Modern Languages and Classics and the Program in Italian at The University of Alabama seek applicants for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Italian: 1) Assistant Professor in Italian— Open area of specialization The Department of Modern Languages and Classics and the Program in Italian at The University of Alabam...

The Italian American Academy is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that was founded in 2010. It provides specialized Italian language classes to all children in San Diego.   The academy is the creation of three individuals possessing similar traits: all are native Italian, women, mothers of young children, experienced foreign language educator...

Growing up in her native Tione, a small Alpine town in the Italian province of Trento, Francesca Gino dreamed of becoming an engineer.   The idea of building houses fascinated her, and she wanted to do it for a living. "But my then-boyfriend was already enrolled in a college engineering course and according to his mother, having two engineer...

Corona D'Italia Lodge #807 and Sons of Italy Lodge #608 proudly announce the awarding of the 2014 Corona D'Italia Memorial Scholarship to students Michael J. Butchelli, Ann Butchelli, and Alyssa M. Amadio.   The scholarship amount to be award to each student is $500.00. Michael and Ann Butchelli are grandson and granddaughter of member...

The Italian American Museum, in collaboration with the Italian American Committee on Education, invites you to learn Italian language and culture. The courses will begin in September for eleven (11) classes at a cost of $300.   We will have a "meet and greet" for you to meet the teachers and learn about the program on Tuesday, September 23rd...

Sta per concludere il suo primo round di funding di 500mila dollari, dove l'investitore é l'Università. Dopo tutto l'idea e il progetto si é sviluppato all'interno di un campus.   Campus Bubble (campusbubble.com) é un social network privato che informa e mette in comunicazione gli studenti di una stessa università su eventi, feste, manifesta...

Your high school children can take the Italian AP Exam even if their school doesn't offer the AP course, or they are home schooled.Students will practice Italian and develop reading, listening and communication skills. Students will learn about Italian culture through a study of geography, social institutions, literature, art, architecture, music,...