Da Nashville a New York, passando per Columbus, Chicago, Philadelphia e altre tappe, lo swing italiano è in tour negli Stati Uniti con la cantante bolognese Diamante Gallina e il suo Italian Quartet.   Per tutto il mese di ottobre la band è impegnata in questa lunga tournée che ha il supporto della Regione Emilia-Romagna e della Consulta deg...

It was 1983, the golden age of body building and hedonism. The US-branded stereotype of hyper-muscular fitness à la Sylvester Stallone and Jane Fonda was all the rage world-wide. In Cesena, Romagna, Italy, young Nerio Alessandri thought differently: to him, physical exercise meant a lot more - the essential condition to guarantee a person's wellbei...

  WTI Magazine #80    2016 June 17Author : italia.it      Translation by:   It is one of the Region of Emilia Romagna's most fascinating cities, a perfect mix of art, culture, relaxation and fun: Ravenna, magnificent and ancient place attracting visitors from all over that come to discover this Capital of Mosaics. This city of art, also a mariti...

The moment for six-month vouchers has nearly arrived for companies that wish to tap government funds to hire a temporary export manager to help them penetrate foreign markets.   Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda, speaking at a conference in Bologna, said the list of companies able to supply the managers in question will be...

Victor DiOrio of Diorio's Pizza & Pub will be taking a trip to Parma, Italy to compete in the 23rd annual World Pizza Championships. DiOrio, who co-owns DiOrio's with brother Tony DiOrio, won an all-expenses paid trip the tournament, which will be held April 7 through 9 in Parma, Italy.   The World Pizza Championships, referred to by man...

Luciano Lamberti, membro attivo della Società Modenese di Mutuo Soccorso di Highwood, Illinois, in visita in Italia per partecipare alla celebrazione del 150°anniversario della Società Modenese di Mutuo Soccorso di Modena, ha incontrato nei giorni scorsi la presidente della Consulta degli emiliano romagnoli nel mondo Silvia Bartolini, portando i sa...

A record number of exhibitors have signed up for the 2014 Cibus international food trade fair, taking place in Parma May 5-8. The firms will have a chance to showcase their delights to international markets as some 1,000 buyers from 100 countries are expected at this year's edition, during which 10,000 foreign and 50,000 Italian operators will ming...

by Luca Orlando   "Yes, the assembly line is at full capacity; we will invest an additional €12 million to open another one," said Emilio Mussini, President of Panaria, who -- like many other companies in the ceramic district of Emilia-Romagna --- is lucky enough to have this sort of "problem."   Entrepreneurs like Mussini at Panaria...

by Marco Carminati   Giuseppe Verdi is the most popular, most performed and most widely loved among Italian composers, and Italy takes pride in being not only the Maestro's birthplace, but also the setting for most of his life. Today, we can still visit the places where Verdi lived and worked: the houses he inhabited, the theaters he went t...

di Natascia Lorusso   Daniele, Giovanni e Andrea, due emiliani e un marchigiano, sono tre amici di Università. Terminati gli studi, ognuno prende la propria strada, finché un giorno, di punto in bianco, decidono di aprire una piadineria a New York. Idea folle! Nessuno dei tre aveva esperienza nel settore della ristorazione, mancavano i soldi...