Genealogy HotSpot is set for Saturday during the Little Italy Festival in Clinton. Sessions will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the balcony of the Clinton Public Library at 313 S. Fourth St. Elevators are available. You can sign up for a free half-hour session with an experienced genealogist. Participants receive help with one or two geneal...

Festa Italiana will be July 21,22 and 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With the Italian Community Center Culture Committee, Pursuing Our Italian Names Together Chapter 22, also known as the Italian Community Center’s Italian Family History Club and the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society Italian Area Interest Group will be featuring genealogy in the r...

Per anni e anni Anthony Fasano si è sentito un italo-americano senza davvero capire cosa questo volesse dire, senza conoscere quei posti da cui le sue due famiglie di origine (paterna e materna) sono partite all’inizio del Novecento a bordo di una nave che li portava in America. Gli italo-americani a New York e negli Stati Uniti in generale sono an...

Thursday June 22, 6 PM - I Am Books - 189 North St, Boston 02113. When people asked Anthony Fasano about his nationality, he always replied, “I’m Italian,” without understanding the depths of what that meant. After 35 years of saying this, and with the birth of his third child and the aging of his grandparents, he decided that vague response wasn’t...

Saturday, June 3 | 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Senator John Heinz History Center - 1212 Smallman Street - Pittsburgh, PA,15222 There's still time to register for the History Center's in-depth Italian Genealogy Workshop featuring genealogists Melanie Holtz, CG of Lo Schiavo Genealogica and Rich Venezia of Rich Roots Genealogy for a workshop on delving into...

Italian Family History Day. Saturday, May 20, 2017. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts, Inc., 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Featuring keynote speaker, Mary Tedesco,co-host of Genealogy Roadshow Knowing our ancestors is essential to knowing ourselves. As Italian-Americans, we each inherit a rich personal family h...

The Niagara County Genealogical Society will host the free program “Organizing Your Genealogy” at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Niagara History Center, 215 Niagara St. Presenter Michelle Ann Kratts will detail the key principles and basic strategies for organizing genealogy research.  Kratts is a local history and adult services librarian at Lewiston Pub...

The participation of the Museo del Cognome to the largest genealogical event in the world, which was held in Salt Lake City, Utah, from February 9 to 11, was a big success. Like every year fans, curious and industry professionals from all over the world met at RootsTech, three days dedicated entirely to the world of genealogy and the various areas...

When: Saturday, March 25, 2017 From 12:00 pm To 2:00 pm - Where: Italian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Organized by : Lingua Viva & IIC - Entrance : With fee - Two sessions $90 (non-member)/$ 85 (member) *To register please call (310) 824-7408 Millions of Americans identify themselves as having Italian ancestry. If you...

In this episode of The Italian American Podcast, we air a conversation recorded this past summer in Sicily with Laura Lee, founder of Digging Up Roots in the Boot, which specializes in heritage tourism and genealogical research throughout Italy for Americans, Canadians, and Australians of Italian descent. The conversation covers attaining your dual...