È appena partita la campagna di raccolta fondi per “Your Italian Homecoming Experience – Il passato prende vita” – il nuovo progetto del Museo del Cognome creato in collaborazione con Bella Italia Genealogy, due piccole e uniche realtà della Campania, da anni impegnate nel campo della genealogia, che hanno unito le forze e partiranno il prossimo fe...

“Il 18 gennaio scorso, durante il Question Time nell’Aula di Montecitorio, ho fatto una interrogazione al Ministro degli Affari Esteri, Angelino Alfano, sul riacquisto della cittadinanza per gli italiani che, recatisi all’estero, l’hanno perduta. È un tema che seguo sin dall’inizio della Legislatura, anche impegnandomi con proposte di legge ed emen...

January 10 (Saturday) 10:00 amThe Italian Genealogical Group meets the second Saturday of the month. This month is "Ask the Experts". Our genealogists will be answering your questions.All are welcome to this free lecture. Refreshments served. Bethpage Public Library47 Powell Avenue, Bethpage, NYAdmission: free; open to the publicContact: Maryanne...

Genealogy undoubtedly is an important part of how a big number of Italian Americans relate to their Italian roots. As time goes by, the distance between today and the mass migration era between XIX and XX century grows bigger and bigger. This means that grandparents and parents are leaving this earth, the memories of those who are still with us bec...

by Bianca Ottone   The current law granting Italian citizenship jure sanguinis states that women could hold but not pass citizenship to children born before January 1, 1948, the date Italy became a Republic. Not only does this eliminate many from qualifying for citizenship but under this provision of the law there are clearly situations wher...

By Karen Ortner   In 1981, Antonio Trombetta led an American man wandering through the tiny village of Pettorano Sul Gizio, Italy, to the distant cousin he was searching for, Agostino Orsini. Thirty-five years later in May, Trombetta found himself yet again on Orsini's doorstep, this time with another American cousin — Cherrie Brown.  ...

WVIA Public Media is proud to present a special presentation by Mary Tedesco, a professional genealogist, author and co-host of PBS' hit show, "Genealogy Roadshow" on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015 at 2 p.m. at the WVIA Public Media Studios in Pittston, PA. Seating is limited. Two tickets for this special opportunity are available with a generous tax deduct...

By Glenn Avolio Italian genealogy seminar and workshop will meet Oct. 12 and is one of the events featured during October's Family History Month. This is a joint offering by the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society and the Santa Barbara Chapter of Unico (an Italian word meaning unique, dedicated to community service and Italian heritage). T...

The Association N.9 announced today that it is raising funds via a rewards crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to finish the development of their project We Are Paesani.    The Association N.9 set out to raise $100,000 on IndieGoGo to finish development and publish the website by which we are seeking to assemble the world's largest datab...

With knowledge of your ancestral town in Italy, it is possible to start research using Italian records. Italy offers many records beyond birth, marriage and death. Mary M. Tedesco, founder of ORIGINS ITALY, frequently conducts genealogical research in Italy. She will help you discover what records are available and how they are accessed.   T...