Hello and happy 2023! The new year has started and we are all busy making our buoni propositi – new year’s resolutions. This month, I’ll take advantage of the new year to show some expressions – and superstitions connected to them! – Italians use in this occasion. Let’s see some! Probably the most common expression is anno nuovo, vita nuova – new y...

Since the holidays are approaching, and winter along with them, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss the color white. Since we are all always hoping for a white Christmas, snow-covered beautiful landscapes, let’s talk about Italian expressions with the color “white.”  When talking about white and snow, most Italian cannot help but think abo...

We have always spoken of Sicily as a land at the center of the world, a crossroads of cultures and peoples. For millennia, Sicily has been home to diverse peoples, who have graced it with art, monuments, roads, aristocratic villas, and theaters, but also with customs, lifestyles, and foods from all over the world. This proliferation of different cu...

Ciao! Today’s grammar topic is verbs and prepositions. In particular, I’ll be focusing on common mistakes English speakers make while speaking Italian due to the different ways the two language use prepositions (but this is true also for Italians when speaking English!). Let’s take a look!  One of the mistakes I always hear has to do with the verb...

Il buon vino fa buon sangue, “good wine makes your blood good:” Italians love to say it while pouring another glass of hearty red, often while dining with friends. But where does this popular expression come from and is there any truth in it? According to an article published on the wine blog Wine Shop, this proverb is second in popularity, among w...

Yesterday evening, the 16th annual ILICA Cultural Event took place at Brooklyn’s spectacular Liberty Warehouse. ILICA, the Italian Language Inter-Cultural Alliance, gathered esteemed members of the Italian and Italian American community again after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, to not only recognize Italian excellence within the communit...

It’s October and once again it’s time for the Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo, the Week of Italian Language in the World. The Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo is a worldwide event that takes place every year and has the goal of promoting the Italian language abroad. It’s organized by all the major institutions for the Italian lan...

The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan, in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Detroit and with the support of the Italian American Club of Livonia Charitable Foundation, has scheduled three interesting events to celebrate Italian Language Week. “L’italiano dei giovani degli anni 2020 [duemila venti o venti venti?] tra standard, neostanda...

Sunday, October 16th, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008. RSVP here. On the occasion of the 22nd edition of the Week of Italian Language in the World dedicated to l’Italiano e i Giovani, Kairos Italy Theater presents an interactive event based on the experience of Versetto Libero. Founded in 2014...

Week of Italian Language. October 17-23, 2022. “La Fabbrica dell’Italiano” - Documentary. October 17, 2022 at 7:00pm CT. Organized by ICC Chicago. The documentary will be available for 72 hours starting at 7:00pm CT on October 17, 2022. Watch Online here. “La Fabbrica dell’Italiano” enters into the history of the Accademia della Crusca and of Itali...