The Director of the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, Dr. Mary Ann Re, is delighted to announce that, recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have generously increased to $4,000 the monetary prize associated with the Teaching...

It may be because it sounds like music or because it is the language of one of the most influential literatures in human history, but Italian has been found to be the 4th most studied language in the world in 2014, following English, French, and Spanish.   This significant result is something that the Italian government, as well as the insti...

by Carol Comegno   High school junior Dylan Skidmore is not Italian, but that's of no matter. He has been pursuing all things Italian — taking an Italian language course at Glassboro High School, joining its Italian club, dancing with its new Italian folk troupe, making pasta and pizza, and waiting for the club's spring trip to Italy....

Cominceranno lunedì prossimo, 15 aprile, i corsi di italiano offerti da "ItalCultura", la Scuola ufficiale di italiano a Chicago. Per presentare la propria offerta formativa "ItalCultura" ha organizzato per domani la giornata delle porte aperte, dalle 17.30 alle 20 nella sede dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Per l'intero pomeriggio sarà possibil...

Harrison students who study the Italian language and culture in the classroom were honored at the Antonio Meucci Lodge on October 7th in a ceremony recognizing students from middle and high schools across Westchester County.   As part of Italian Heritage month, students are nominated by their teachers in Levels II through V/International Bac...

So, your child knows a few Italian words. Buon giorno! Buona sera! Arrivederci! Buona notte! But if you think your elementary –age son or daughter would be interested in having a deeper knowledge and understanding of Italian linguistics or a running introduction to it, for one reason or another, this should be good news for you.   Ital...

ITALIAN TEACHER for Adult ClassesJob descriptionPart time teaching position;Small classes (5 to 10 students);Flexible schedule and syllabus.   Job applicant requirementsLanguages: Italian – native speaker or level C1 (Common European Framework)English – fluent.Spanish – not required but preferable.Laurea triennale or equivalent.Experience in...

Promuovere sul nostro territorio programmi di studio e vacanza-studio residenziali per Università Americane, volti allo sviluppo delle aree rurali e di un turismo di qualità.   È questo l'obiettivo dell'iniziativa presentata da Ilex (Italian Landscape Exploration), un'impresa che a Fontecchio gestisce il Centro di educazione al paesaggio "To...

Prevista una scadenza per la data del 25 febbraio 2016, la selezione per una borsa di studio Fulbright - Distinguished Chair - nell'ambito degli Italian Studies presso l'University of Chicago, Illinois per l'a.a. 2016/2017. Il vincitore avrà la possibilità di ottenere un incarico di insegnamento nel settore degli studi italiani nell'ambito di Itali...

Manasquan School District is seeking a certified Part-time Italian teacher for Middle School and High School Italian I courses who will develop and implement an Italian Program for the district Anticipated future course offerings will be Italian 1-Advanced Placement Please send resume and credentials to Dr. Frank Kasyan, SuperintendentM...