"Giada is five years old. She lives in Utica, New York. Her mom was born there, but her dad was born in Italy." So begins the new, illustrated book that, according to award-winning author Michael Sedge, will put young children on the path to learning Italian. "I have lived in Italy many years and have grandkids both there and the United St...
READ MOREBy Nickolas Marinelli For English, press one. Para Español, oprima numero dos. Is there anything more frustrating than hearing these words coming from your telephone? After all, this is America. And in America, we speak English. It infuriates me to have a recorded voice tell me that I have to press one to speak my own language—or for Spanish press...
READ MOREGrants are available for the purchase of educational material for Italian programs in public and private schools (grades PreK through 12th) of the Tristate area. The maximum amount of each grant is $3000 per school. Please note: schools that already received a grant for the 2015-16 academic year cannot apply for this grant ONLY NEW S...
READ MOREChissà se Massimo Veccia immaginava che un giorno avrebbe aperto una scuola di lingua e cultura italiana New York. Che avrebbe stretto la mano ai giornalisti del New Yorker e del New York Times, e ricevuto 5- 6 email al giorno di persone che vorrebbero insegnare italiano all'estero o aprire una scuola di italiano.
READ MOREdi Riccardo Giumelli Ci sono un italiano, un italo-americano e un italico. Tutti hanno in qualcosa in comune. La radice ital, ovviamente, che contraddistingue una provenienza, un'appartenenza, un'identità. Eppure, tra di essi esiste, in particolare tra italiani e italici come avremo modo di vedere, una distanza culturale e comunicativa paradossale...
READ MOREThe Department of Italian at Georgetown University together with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington D.C. is hosting a conference titled Teaching Italian Culture. The one-day conference will take place on October 19, 2013 during Italian Language Week as part of a series of events celebrating the Year of Ita...
READ MOREby Richard Bruschi 1. Italians don't "play dumb"... they "do the dead cat" (Fare la gatta morta). 2. Italians aren't "wasted"... they are "drunk as a monkey" (Ubriaco come una scimmia). 3. Italians don't "scold" somebody... they "shave against the growth" (Fare il contropelo). 4. Italians don't "disrespect"... they "treat you with fishe...
READ MOREThe Italian American Academy offers two program tracks: one specifically designed for Italian speakers, and one designed for beginners with no previous exposure to the language. Classes are taught in a fun and nurturing environment where kids will be encouraged to open their minds to a new language and a new perspective on the world. Using an imm...
READ MOREHaving lived and worked in Europe, Nina Nielsen of Del Mar knows the importance of studying languages and learning about different cultures. That's why she began teaching her children multiple languages when they were still learning English. "The best time to learn a language is at the age when they're still forming skills in their native language...
READ MOREThe Italian American Committee on Education has awarded a grant to Woodstock Academy's world language department. The grant includes Studio Arcobaleno educational materials that will allow the department to add new film and literature studies to the academy's Italian curriculum. The academy also received a membership to the committee,...