The Umbra Institute is pleased to announce the 14th edition of the Intensive Italian through Culture Summer Program (May 30-July 12). The program, directed by Prof. Bob Proctor from Connecticut College, is a six-week/8 credits full immersion experience conducted entirely in Italian and open to students of all language proficienc...

by Rick Zullo   I met Emanuele Pettener back in 2009, and it's safe to say that the meeting changed my life in many ways. I was enrolled in the Italian Studies program at F.A.U. in Boca Raton, Florida where he teaches. The class was Italian Literature from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, taught entirely in Italian, which at the time stra...

As part of our ongoing commitment for the promotion of the Italian language in the United States, the Consulate General of Italy has been in contact with the "School District of Philadelphia" in order to facilitate the participation of all external candidates in the Italian AP examination scheduled to take place on May 15 at noon.   Those wh...

Sabato 17 ottobre scorso, l'On. Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli ha partecipato, presso l'Ambasciata italiana a Washington, alla tradizionale riunione annuale di coordinamento consolare, indetta dall'Ambasciatore Bisogniero, con i Capi degli Uffici consolari, i Presidenti dei Comites, i Direttori degli Istituti di cultura e i neo eletti membri del CGIE....

Bryn Mawr's Department of Italian and Italian Studies has been awarded a grant from Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for excellence in promoting and advancing Italian language/culture on American soil in its multiple historical and contemporary manifestations.   The funding will help the department expand opportunities for students, espec...

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Hours: 6PM Venue: Italian Cultural Institute of New York Organized by: ICI A conversation with Italian artist Lorenzo "Jovanotti" Cherubini and prof. Lorenzo Coveri (Universita' di Genova) on contemporary Italian song writing. Under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Italy   Read more...

Please spread the word about an opening for an Assistant Professor of Italian and Spanish at Palomar Community College in San Marcos, California. The Assistant Professor, Italian/Spanish is primarily responsible for teaching a variety of courses in the disciplines of both Italian and Spanish. This is a full-time, 10 months per year...

Da alunno delle elementari di Gioiosa Jonica, in provincia di Reggio Calabria, a docente d'italiano tra i più apprezzati negli Stati Uniti. Giuseppe Tassone insegna nella Seattle University e nella University of Washington, università pubblica fondata nel 1861 a Seattle, nello stato di Washington.   È la più grande del Nord-Ovest americano e...

The Italian Cultural Center MARCO POLO has the pleasure of inviting you ON SATURDAY MAY 31 to a special open-house and pre-enrollment event at the new school site in ROXBOROUGH, Philadelphia. You will learn more about classes, talk with teachers and listen to other parents experiences. Further, there will be a light refreshments for all.  

"Giada is five years old. She lives in Utica, New York. Her mom was born there, but her dad was born in Italy." So begins the new, illustrated book that, according to award-winning author Michael Sedge, will put young children on the path to learning Italian.   "I have lived in Italy many years and have grandkids both there and the United St...