di Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino A differenza di altri popoli, gli italiani usano espressioni con numeri e parole nei loro discorsi, modi di dire o proverbi, di connotazioni diverse. Il significato delle parole-numero sono connesse al modo di parlare e di pensare del parlante. Di solito, queste espressioni popolari sono usate in conversazioni...
READ MOREdi Francesco Semprini Quota 2.500, l'Italiano trionfa. Sono oltre 2.500 gli studenti americani che hanno sostenuto l'esame Ap in lingua italiana. Di cosa si tratta? E' «l'Advance placement», ovvero il test che viene sostenuto dagli studenti in Usa per guadagnare crediti formativi extra, e con i quali è possibile impreziosire il proprio cur...
READ MORESpending every summer of his childhood in Sicily convinced Antonino Bondi that he wanted a career somehow related to Italy. He never pictured himself as a teacher in those days, but he has realized his dream in a classroom. Bondi, 31, the son of parents who immigrated from Sicily to Chicago in the 1970s, teaches Italian 2, 3 and 4 in northwest...
READ MOREby NOIAW We are currently accepting applications for our 2015 undergraduate and graduate scholarship competition! An important part of our mission is to promote the educational advancement of Italian American women. We are committed to helping women succeed through our scholarship grants. Our scholarship recipients have diverse inter...
READ MOREClub ItaloAmericano of Green Bay is hosting the tenth annual WisItalia Awards Banquet. The banquet will be at the Black & Tan Grille of Green Bay located in the Historic Bellin Building, 130 East Walnut Street. Club members and guests will gather at 5:45 pm at the Nicolet Bank parking lot for a 'Passeggiata' (Italian fo...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #38 2014 July, 9Author : Manuela Bianchi for learnitalygroup.com Translation by: Speak as you eat!When it comes to Italy the thought always goes to art, culture, history, folklore ... the different beauties of our country are so many that a conversation about them could last for hours and hours. Yet there is an art that...
READ MOREThe Marisa Antonini award has been established to honor passion for the Italian language, culture, or art. Danielle is planning to develop a partnership between her sorority and a local elementary school, with the aim of exposing the children to Italian authors and other aspects of Italian culture. Danielle writes about how her schooling experience...
READ MOREUnder an agreement between the University of Pennsylvania and the University for Foreigners in Siena, Italy, the CILS (Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language) has been activated at the University of Pennsylvania. The official CILS Diploma, issued by the University for Foreigners in Siena, certifies your knowledge of Italian, is valid through...
READ MOREWhether you are planning a trip to Italy, wish to communicate with your Italian family or simply want to learn to speak a foreign language, learning to speak Italian is fun! C.A.S.IT., Inc. (Centro Attività Scolastiche Italiane), the education committee under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Boston, is pleased to invite those who wish to l...
READ MOREby Mauro Battocchi Italian is a language adored the world over for its profundity of history, expression and beauty. It is a national — nay, international — treasure that contributes radically to world cultural heritage. Sixty million people may speak it, but billions are touched by it daily, whether they are singing a capella, complaining...