Molto incoraggianti le notizie che ci giungono da Washington sul futuro della lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti: l'ambasciatore d'Italia Claudio Bisogniero, rispondendo alle domande de La VOCE di New York, ha rivelato che il raggiugimento dell'obiettivo dei 2.500 studenti che devono sostenere l'esame AP Italian entro il 2016 è ormai prossimo e ques...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #71 2015 October, 30Author : Torre di Babele Translation by: Why people like to study Italian? Art, culture, music, food and wine: is all Italy and Italian language can offer? Why the language of a small like this is that important in the world, to be one the most widely taught languages in the world? If you are interest...
READ MOREYou are cordially invited to attend Open House Thursday, April 11th, 2013 5:30 - 8:00 pm ItalCultura at the Italian Cultural Institute500 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 1405
READ MORELanguage Trainers is an international language training company offering private language classes throughout the country . Our clients, either individuals or companies, typically look for tailor made training at their homes or offices. They always tell us their training needs before they book with us and it is our job to recruit the best possible t...
READ MOREIl direttore Domenico Savio Teker Ha il piacere di annunciare: Classi di Italiano Organizzate dal PIB. Vostro figlio/a ha gia' una buona padronanza della lingua italiana e volete che non la perda? Ecco L'iniziativa che fa per voi: Il Sabato Mattina Con Le Attivita' Del PIB. Alle famiglie interessate:Salve, c...
READ MOREBy Paula KatinasIt's one thing for children to star in an original musical. It's another thing to perform in an original musical in which the dialogue and songs will be entirely in Italian. Students from the Little Italian Language School of Brooklyn will be doing just that when they present "Il Festival Della Musica Italiana," an original...
READ MOREThe American University of Rome is pleased to announce that the graduate-level seminar New technologies and multi-disciplinary perspectives in foreign language teaching will take place July 4-18, 2014 in Rome, Italy. NEW THIS YEAR!! Modules in English and Italian Two complete 60-hour modules, divided between lab practicum, theory and practica...
READ MOREBy Wil Shelton Whether you are fluent in Italian, or just interested in learning a few words, a new opportunity for those seeking to brush up on their language skills is available at Renato's in Centro, 121 W. Main St., in downtown Spartanburg. Mangiamo in Italiano is an Italian conversation group that meets every Friday at 1:15 p...
READ MORESi avvicina il traguardo dell'Italian American Country tour, e siamo in procinto di toccare la terza e ultima costa del continente. La prima è stata, naturalmente, New York. La seconda New Orleans, approdo per molti emigrati che non videro mai Ellis Island, arrivando direttamente qui. L'ultima è San Francisco, che abbiamo preso via terra "navigando...
READ MOREThe Italian Language Inter-Cultural Alliance (ILICA) is a not for profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of the Italian language as an instrument of understanding and study of a culture in continuous evolution, directed at not only Americans of Italian origin, but all those who share an interest in learning the Italian language as a key to un...