"Poetica", "Ludica", "Profetica", "Italica". Quattro aspetti, per altrettante questioni e altrettanti punti di vista, che costituiranno il fulcro della prima edizione del festival culturale promosso da "madrelingua", il trimestrale culturale della Società Dante Alighieri.   La manifestazione, che si svolgerà dal 7 al 10 maggio a Palazzo Fire...

The Marlton New Jersey, Order of the Sons of Italy in America, Lodge #2315 recently held a successful series of Italian Language Classes this past March and April. The instructor for the classes was Robert Campana, a language teacher at Mainland Regional High School in Linwood.   Mr. Campana is a graduate of Montclair State University and ha...

The Language School Coordinator is responsible for day-to-day operations of the Italian Language School (La Scuola d'Italiano) at the Italian Cultural & Community Center of Houston (ICCC), ensuring that the school is well-managed and growing in class content and student enrollment. The coordinator must be a dynamic person who will work closely...

CALL FOR PAPERS. Italian Language and Culture Conference: New directions in Teaching and Research - Georgetown University, Washington DC Saturday, October 24th 2015 Keynote Speaker: Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Dickinson College   The Department of Italian at Georgetown University together with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultu...

At a ceremony held at the Italian Embassy, the Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC, honored Lucia Dalla Montà , Director of the Education Office at the Italian Embassy, who was presented with the Lido Civic Club Appreciation Award in recognition of her contribution in promoting the study of the Italian language in the United States and in reinstating...

Are you considering learning a new language, but you're not sure which one to choose? For many people, the hardest step in learning a foreign language is actually choosing which language to learn. We'll make it easy for you—choose Italian!   Italian is a romance language spoken by over 60 million people around the world. Not only is it...

What's the most beautiful thing about San Francisco? It's a common question. But in this case the person asking it is Matteo Renzi, the prime minister of Italy. He's querying students at La Scuola, an Italian immersion school in San Francisco that has just moved into a permanent new home on Fell Street.   Of course Renzi, who is dedicating t...

by Gina Fava   A recent visit to my father's hometown of Abbadia San Salvatore in Siena gave me interesting insight into the concept of dialect. Family had taken me to a local restaurant, and the cousins who'd moved out of town ordered "una latina di Coca Cola" or a can of Coke.   Those relatives who still resided in town similarly or...

Queens College (CUNY) celebrates forty years of its Italian American Studies program on Wednesday, March 26, 12:15 p.m. in the President's Conference Room 2 at the Rosenthal Library, Queens College.   In 1974, Professor Richard Gambino, author of Blood of My Blood: The Dilemma of the Italian-Americans, offered the first known course in the s...

by Al Rolandi   Greetings to all. As the President of WisItalia it gives me great pleasure to announce our 2015 WisItalia Italian Teacher of the Year Award recipient, Mr. Steven Falsetti.   Mr. Falsetti was nominated by Ms. Janine Cano Graber, principle at Victory K-8 School For The Gifted and Talented and Italian Immersion and a...