Below is a transcript of Formiche reporter Francesco Bechis’ conversation with Guerini about the COVID-19 pandemic, Italy’s relationship with the United States, and the transatlantic alliance.In the phase of the health emergency, the international community has helped Italy. Europe, the United States, and other countries, including China and Russia...
READ MORE“Desidero prima di tutto ringraziarti a nome del Governo e del popolo italiano per la solidarietà manifestata e per gli ulteriori supporti che sono stati resi disponibili nei giorni scorsi in termini di assistenza medico-sanitaria, ancor più significativi in quanto l'emergenza investe anche il tuo Paese". Queste le parole con cui il Ministro della...
READ MORE"Tra Italia e Stati Uniti esiste una solida amicizia, improntata al comune impegno nella lotta al terrorismo e per la sicurezza internazionale. Una relazione storicamente privilegiata che bisogna rafforzare il più possibile”, così il Ministro della Difesa, Lorenzo Guerini, al termine della visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti. Tre giorni durante i qu...
READ MOREIn 2010, Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta became the first living Medal of Honor recipient in nearly 40 years. Those who receive the coveted honor usually say their teammates share in the honor, and Giunta was no exception. In fact, he recently gave the medal to the brigade with whom he served, saying it belonged to all of them. Giunta was born J...
READ MOREAmerican and Italian first responders gathered at headquarters, United States Army Garrison Italy April 12 to walk through an active-shooter scenario where teamwork is necessary to defuse a tense life-or-death situation. This type of training has become a necessity for emergency personnel. “In the past several years, attacks in school have been lar...
READ MOREDuring their meeting in Rome yesterday, Defense Secretary James N. Mattis and Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti discussed the close U.S.-Italian defense partnership that is built upon a long history of mutual respect and shared values, as well as robust cooperation bilaterally and through NATO, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said...
READ MORESi chiama Emanuele Lo Schiavo l’Ufficiale della Marina Militare che ha conseguito la seconda migliore prestazione nella storia della U.S. Navy. A darne notizia è il Ministero della Difesa, spiegando che il Guardiamarina – Ufficiale Palombaro del Gruppo Operativo Subacquei (G.O.S.)- ha conseguito la seconda migliore prestazione nella storia della Ma...
READ MOREItaly’s Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II final assembly and check out (FACO) facility in Cameri has delivered eight F-35As. Lockheed Martin said four currently reside at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona for international pilot training, while the other half are at an air base on the Adriatic coast. Italy’s FACO recently became one step closer to bei...
READ MOREThe top general in Italy’s armed forces was elected Tuesday to lead the EU’s highest military body as the bloc gears up for greater integration of defense and security initiatives.The general, Claudio Graziano, has served as chief of the Italian Defense General Staff since March 2015. He was selected by the EU’s chiefs of defense to be the next cha...
READ MOREDefense Secretary Jim Mattis met with Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti at the Pentagon today to discuss the robust U.S.-Italian defense partnership, cooperation at NATO, and joint efforts in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Libya, Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White said in a readout following the meeting. Mattis specifically thanke...