Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi are a power couple who can't keep still. While he builds some of Houston's most glamorous high-rise towers (Four Leaf, Villa d'Este, Montabello and the new Belfiore), she has created a sparkling new jewelry line, the Mrs. B Collection, that features one-of-a-kind pieces made from Scaramazza pearls.   "I was known...

1. Our intensity of discussion needs to come down a few notches. Us Italians are hot-blooded people. We are more inclined to speak what's going through our minds in a passionate way. Different opinions are just that, and we are not fighting when you hear a heated discussion.   We are just talking. My roommate in the US used to think I w...

di Roberto Chifari   Moderne auto elettriche dal fascino assolutamente vintage. Non è fantascienza, ma una realtà già commercializzata grazie ad una startup che opera nel settore dell'aftermarket automobilistico con un obiettivo semplice: rivoluzionare la mobilità urbana. Si chiama Newtron ed è l'acronimo di New Traction Rear On.   L'...

Il Made in Italy deve significare innovazione, creatività e tecnologia per poter essere credibile ed esportabile non solo come idea ma anche come prodotto. Due giovani donne siciliane, di Catania nello specifico, Adriana Santanocito di 36 anni ed Enrica Arena di 28, hanno vinto una grande sfida.   Sono loro l'anima di Orange Fiber un nuovo t...

by Rita Cipalla   On a quiet street not far from downtown Seattle, tucked between overgrown fields and train tracks, are several drab-brown buildings with white roll-up doors. Their nondescript location belies the fact that some of the world's most revolutionary research in automotive materials is going on inside. The Automobili Lamborghini...