È Nadia Santini del Pescatore di Canneto sull'Oglio (MT) la miglior chef donna al mondo secondo la giuria del World's 50 Best Restaurants, la classifica internazionale – stilata dall'inglese Restaurant Magazine e sponsorizzata da San Pellegrino – che ormai da qualche anno domina le cronache culinarie. Il premio Veuve Clicquot World's Best Female C...

  WTI Magazine #60    2015 May, 15Author : italia.it      Translation by:   Mantua is one of the most beautiful cities in Lombardy, rich in art and culture. Located in the lower part of the Po plain, Mantua sits on the banks of the river Mincio, where its waters form a deep bight which embraces the city and creates Lake Superiore, Lake di Mezzo...

È stata convocata per sabato prossimo, 7 settembre, alle ore 11, presso l'Auditorium dell'antica ex -Chiesa dell'UPA - Unione Provinciale Artigiani a Mantova la riunione del Direttivo Nazionale della fondazione Filitalia International di Filadelfia negli Stati Uniti, aperta ai presidenti dei Chapter e agli iscritti.   L'indomani, domenica 8...

  WTI Magazine #28    2014 May, 1Author : folclore.it      Translation by:   There is a large portion of the territory of Mantua, the one between the left bank of the Mincio and the province of Verona, from Roverbella to Ostiglia, which is characterized by large expanses of land crossed by irrigation canals.    

When traveling to Italy, there are many great cities to choose from. Everyone knows about Rome, and many have seen its splendors through the eyes of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Fashion lovers will find the catwalks and shops of Milan to be inspiring. Those who love romance often head for Venice.   The architecture lovers head for Floren...

According to art historian Philippe Daverio, the "Camera degli Sposi" ("Bridal Chamber") decorated by Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) – inside a tower in Mantua's Ducal Palace, which recently reopened to the public after one year of works – is not only "the height of the painting journey" explored by the Venetian artist, but also "perhaps the first 'tr...

by Chiara Beghelli   We are still far from August 5, when the stadium of Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro will celebrate the opening of the Olympic Games. But for some companies, that date is near. Just ask Roberto Colletto, CEO of Piscine Castiglione.   The company, based in Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantova), and specialized in the desi...

Abbracciati teneramente, le gambe raccolte e incrociate l'uno con l'altra, le braccia di lui sul collo di lei, quelle di lei sulle spalle di lui, uniti da oltre 6000 anni in una pace d'abbandono che forse è stata amore. Sono gli «amanti di Valdaro», due scheletri risalenti al Neolitico ritrovati vicino a Mantova in una necropoli scoperta nel 2007....

  WTI Magazine #72    2015 November 13Author : Enrico De Iulis      Translation by:   During the Italian Renaissance it wasn't uncommon to decorate rooms, halls or courtrooms with an astrological subject. The works of the "Palazzo della Ragione" in Padua survived to this day. This calendar and astrological deco...

Artisti per Nuvolari is the title of the newest exhibit on show at Mantua's Museo Tazio Nuvolari. After enjoying notable success at Castel d'Ario's Sartori House-Museum, the exhibit runs in Mantua until June 29th (Saturdays and Sundays only). Pieces selected by Arianna Sartori and by the Museo's curators fondly depict Tazio Nuvolari, the native Man...