Dancing A Film: Luchino Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers Inspires Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten.This multi-part program embraces two events on campus revolving around the dance performance ROCCO at the Kasser Theater of Montclair State University (Feb. 12-15, 2015): a screening and discussion of Luchino Visconti's 1960 classic film Rocco and H...
READ MOREThe documentary MEN OF THE CLOTH will have its New Jersey premiere on May 4, 2014, at the third annual Montclair Film Festival. The film by Vicki Vasilopoulos is an inspiring portrait of three Italian master tailors. It had its World Premiere at DOC NYC, the largest documentary film festival in the U.S. The men's lifestyle magazine A &...
READ MOREThe Center for Italian & Italian American Culture & The Cagliari Club of NY invite you to an evening of delicious food and great entertainment! Come to Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant, 6 Depot Square, Montclair, for a Cultural Encounter! MONDAY, MAY 11TH COOKING CLASS — 6:00 PM. Prepare malloreddus(typical...
READ MOREby Teresa Politano Given the swarms of Italian restaurants in this state, and the fierce loyalty they inspire, it might be fair to classify a significant portion of the job of a Jersey restaurant critic as waxing poetic over one meatball or another. Which is no small writing challenge, waxing poetic over a meatball. Of course, one mig...
READ MOREBy Laura Caparrotti Mentre il Teatro delle Albe si avviava alla conclusione della sua esperienza americana con uno spettacolo il 18 Febbraio alla Montclair State Univeristy (all'interno del programma di attività della cattedra Inserra in Italiano e Studi Italo-Americani) e alcune performance a Chicago, mi sono fermata a ragionare di teatro con i f...
READ MOREThe Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies is pleased to invite you to a panel on the historical and contemporary role of Italian media in the U.S. (Tuesday April 12, 2016 6:30-8:30). The program features visiting scholar Bénédicte Deschamps (University of Paris Diderot - Université Paris Sorbonne Cité), newspaper editor Maurita Card...
READ MOREBy Maurita Cardone La cultura italiana ha tante voci e per farle arrivare oltreoceano servono buone istituzioni culturali. Alla Montclair State University del New Jersey, la cattedra Inserra in Italiano e Studi italo-americani, intitolata a Theresa Inserra, offre un cartellone di eventi dedicati alla cultura italiana a trecentosessanta gradi. Tit...
READ MORECalling all teachers of Italian language and culture! "Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: Meeting VIII" is right around the proverbial corner. This year's theme is "Imparando giocando"--Play and Games in the FL Classroom. To register and select your workshops--first come, first served--please go to: http://tiny.cc/TI8-giocare. Or feel free to con...
READ MOREThe Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey (ITANJ) and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America at Montclair State University joined forces on March 26th for their seventh annual collaboration, Italian Language and Culture Day. This full day of performances showcased the hard work and creativity of middle school and h...
READ MOREThe Director of the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, Dr. Mary Ann Re, is delighted to announce that, recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have generously increased to $3,000 the monetary prize associated with the Teaching...