February 8 @ 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm. Event will take place in University Hall 7th Floor Conference Center. Registration required. To RSVP, visit the organizer website. oin us for a conversation with documentary filmmakers. This round table will explore issues related to Italian immigration to the United States, yesterday's as well as today's. A...
READ MOREThe Coccia-Inserra Award honors a teacher of Italian at the K-12 level, and is generously donated by Coccia Foundation in the name and memory of its founder, Cav. Joseph Coccia, Jr., and by Mr. Lawrence R. Inserra, Jr. Founded in 1994 by Joseph and Elda Coccia, and now under the leadership of President Elisa Coccia, Coccia Foundation aggressively p...
READ MOREQuali sono le sfide nel mercato americano per le creazioni e i prodotti italiani? Quali valori culturali veicolano le ditte italiane nel territorio metropolitano tra New York City e il New Jersey? A cosa si deve il persistente successo di firme italiane? Come una formazione culturale italiana può essere spendibile nel mondo del business negli State...
READ MOREThe Italian Teachers Association of New Jersey (ITANJ) and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America at Montclair State University joined forces on March 20th for their annual collaboration, Italian Language and Culture Day, showcasing the hard work and creativity of middle school and high school students of Italian in a competitio...
READ MOREBy Benedetta Graziani La Montclair State University, New Jersey, ha inaugurato con una serata di studi dedicata a Renzo Piano il ciclo 2013-14 di conferenze organizzate dalla dottoressa Teresa Fiore della Theresa and Lawrence R. Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies. La conferenza dal titolo The Humanistic Legacy in Renzo P...
READ MOREAN AFTERNOON OF ITALIAN OPERA BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER FOR A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE THE PASSION...POWER...AND EXPRESSION OF ITALIAN OPERA Featuring Annamaria Stefanelli, Lyric Soprano & Rory Angelicola, Tenor with Special Young Artists Chamber Ensemble Conducted by Andrew Macirowski Time: 3:00 pm...
READ MOREOur heartiest congratulations to all the outstanding students of Italian whose academic and extra-curricular cultural achievements were celebrated during the Coccia Institute's annual Italian Scholarships and Awards Ceremony. A packed house of beaming students, proud parents and faculty, and generous donors filled the Adelina Granito Ferraro Lounge...
READ MOREPer dare il benvenuto al nuovo console generale a New York Francesco Genuardi, ieri l'Associazione dei Cavalieri dello Stato del New Jersey ha scelto l'Upper Montclair Country Club, subito ribattezzato dal ministro come un "angolo di paradiso". Il ricevimento è stata l'occasione propizia per dare il giusto riconoscimento non solo alle auto...
READ MOREThe Director of the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, Dr. Mary Ann Re, is delighted to announce that, recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have generously increased to $4,000 the monetary prize associated with the Teaching...
READ MOREL'Approccio Reggio Emilia è una filosofia pedagogica progressista, unico nel suo genere, che ha fatto strada dall'Italia all'America, ispirando insegnanti e genitori. In un momento in cui la standardizzazione nelle scuole pubbliche americane sta diventando l'approccio prevalente, si assiste ad un'infelice riduzione dei corsi d'arte, musica e teatro...