Montclair State University is excited to be offering a brand-new program, which seamlessly links the high school and college learning experience. Taught by a native speaker and coordinated by an experienced high school teacher on the Montclair State University campus, its aim is to consolidate rising senior students’ intermediate Italian skills on...
READ MOREThere's good news for fans of “The Big Lebowski.” John Turturro, who played Jesus Quintana in the 1998 comedy, will be reprising the role for a spin-off comedy Turturro is directing called “Going Places,” based on a French film of the same name, about a trio of guys who go on a road trip together. Turturro shared the news during an interview with S...
READ MOREConnecting language study to the “real world” is one of the objectives of Dr. Enza Antenos' Business Italian course (ITAL321). There is a significant presence of Italian companies in New Jersey, and it only made sense to bring experts to class to speak to Italian and international business students about Made in Italy and its importance and impact...
READ MOREQuando si dice Italia si dice cultura del cibo e prodotti gastronomici di qualità. Ma in un mondo su cui pesa sempre più l’impatto della attività antropiche, con una popolazione crescente e risorse sempre più scarse, l’industria alimentare e il made in Italy affrontano nuove e decisive sfide. Di questi temi si è parlato alla Montclair State Univer...
READ MOREQuando da Manhattan si attraversa il Lincoln Tunnel e si approda nel territorio del New Jersey, salta subito agli occhi la quantità di attività commerciali che portano nomi italiani. Il Garden State, così è noto lo stato al di là dell’Hudson River, è una delle aree d’America con una più ampia popolazione di origini italiane: quasi il 18 per cento d...
READ MOREThe presence of Italian businesses in New Jersey is impressive. Most recently at Montclair State University, the Italian program and the Inserra Chair are introducing a series of initiatives to discover them. These new synergies align with the objectives of my business Italian course and to better understand what it means to do business in this geo...
READ MORE"Paese che vai, usanza che trovi: Regional Customs, Traditions and Superstitions"--The theme of this year's collaboration between ITANJ and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America at Montclair State University! A full house of 350 students and teachers from four middle and 10 high schools participated in this annual showcase/comp...
READ MORETue. March 21 (6:30-8:30pm) Feliciano School of Business Lecture Hall 101 - Montclair State University - RSVP required here by Mon. March 20. See flyerThis is the second event of the "Critical Made in Italy" series, designed by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies and inspired by a 2016 collection of essays edited by Daniele Ba...
READ MOREMarch 21, 4:30 pm Synergies between Business and Education: Meeting with New Jersey Based Italian Companies. Meeting with representatives of Italian companies based in New Jersey. Organized by the Inserra Chair and the Italian Program at Montclair State University, in collaboration with and under the patronage of the Italian Trade Commission and Ch...
READ MOREThe Director of the Coccia Institute is delighted to announce the 2017 Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12). Recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have established this significant award. Our donor...