by Janet Staihar To celebrate its 40th birthday, the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is bringing back the popular Expo Italiana. On Saturday, October 17, Expo Italiana will showcase Italian food and specialties, wine, fashion and culture, as part of the foundation's 40th Anniversary Awards Gala weekend. Mark your calen...
READ MOREdi Chiara Spagnoli Gabardi Da sempre Little Italy a Manhattan è stata teatro dell'Italietta folcloristica. Ma a Little Italy c'è anche chi ha intenzione di svecchiare l'immagine degli italo-americani attraverso la cultura. Il museo Italo-Americano propone un ritratto dell'immigrato Italiano sbarcato in America che non ha nulla a che vedere...
READ MOREBy John M. Viola New York is my home state. It is a state with a large and well-developed Italian American population and, of course, an important role in the history of our community in the United States. So it should come as no surprise that in its impending gubernatorial election we see Italian American candidates on both sides...
READ MOREThe Italian American One Voice Coalition (IAOVC) is campaigning against those who aim to eradicate Columbus Day by enacting measures to get all Italian Americans involved in defending our heritage and saving our holiday. The IAOVC is asking Italian American friends and organizations to sign the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) S...
READ MOREIn Explorers Emigrants Citizens: A Visual History of the Italian-American Experience from the Collections of the Library of Congress, over 500 images celebrate the rich and diverse history of Italian-American accomplishments over the past 500 years. The Greater Washington, D.C. Region invites you to a conversation with Linda Barrett Osborn...
READ MORENational Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Chairman Joseph V. Del Raso, President John M. Viola and General Counsel Arthur J. Furia welcome the Regional Minister of Agriculture from Italy's Lombardy Region, Gianni Fava, to give the opening remarks at the "Feeding the Planet-Energy for Life" forum in Miami, Fla.
READ MOREThe National Italian American Foundation was in Chicago, on January 29, at the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame, for a preview of the upcoming two-part documentary series, "The Italian Americans." Guests at the screening were able to enjoy a taste of the documentary, which reveals how Italian immigrants challenged the notion o...
READ MOREdi Salvatore Giuffrida Più di venticinque milioni di italiani lasciarono l'Italia tra il 1861 e il 1960. Un vero e proprio esodo, tra i più grandi della storia, al quale è dedicata Partono i bastimenti, la mostra itinerante che dal 16 aprile al 16 maggio ha fatto tappa a Palermo al teatro Politeama per raccontare il fenomeno dell'emigrazio...
READ MOREThe National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Board of Directors recently voted to create a special one-time NIAF Emanuele and Emilia Inglese Memorial Grant of $100,000 to support the "Save the Saint" restoration project by the International Patrons of Duomo di Milano. "It is our hope that this grant will serve as a leadership gift to encourage...
READ MOREDi Eugenio Furia Una montagna di valigie. È l'immagine fortissima che accoglie chiunque visiti il Museo di Ellis Island, un "centro d'accoglienza" ante litteram che ancora oggi rappresenta una tappa obbligata per chiunque visiti New York e, facendo un tour in battello nella meravigliosa baia di Manhattan, decida di andare oltre la Statua della Lib...