Sono solo alcune delle patologie che il consumo quotidiano di olio extravergine d'oliva può combattere. In Italia conosciamo da tempo i benefici prodotti dall'acido oleico. Ma da qualche tempo la notizia è arrivata anche negli Stati Uniti, dove l'olio extravergine si prepara a essere riconosciuto come farmaco. Possibile? Proprio così. La Coldiretti...
READ MOREIl primo container di olio Evo italiano garantito dalla blockckain salperà a inizio di dicembre con destinazione Stati Uniti. Questa è la fine della prima puntata di una bella storia di made in Italy che sa valorizzarsi con la tecnologia e che avrà un seguito. Un progetto italiano pensato, avviato e concluso a tempi record per tutelare l’olio extra...
READ MOREThe PDO extra virgin olive oil is the result of careful experimentation and assessment, requiring great commitment and technical precision to achieve its excellence. Its age-old tradition began in the 14th century AD, and olive growing began to spread starting from this era, both for religious (Catholic rituals and ceremonies) and nutritional re...
READ MOREIn questo secondo evento, ospitato ancora una volta al Michelangelo Hotel di NY, il tema scelto è stato quello della bellezza come contenitore ideale di diverse realtà aziendali del Belpaese che hanno promosso, condiviso i loro prodotti e le loro idee con il pubblico americano. Dai piccoli produttori ai grandi esponenti del Made in Italy come Lambo...
READ MOREDaily consumption of extra virgin oil helps prevent and control bowel tumors . The discovery is from the research group Antonio Moschetta at the University of Bari, thanks to a study supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (Air), published in the magazine Gastroenterology. Extra Virgin Virgin Oil ̵ explains Moschetta – is rich in o...
READ MORESometimes, (virtually) wandering around the United States getting to now Italian American leaders, I end up meeting somebody who really is committed to promote and celebrate the Italian culture, our language, our values. I live in Italy, and for me it is always incredibly inspiring to see how much love there is for my country, outside of it. Today...
READ MOREYale University’s School of Public Health is set to host its first conference on olive oil next month. The two-day event will bring together people from diverse disciplines to discuss a variety of topics including olive oil chemistry and health, testing methods, the impacts of climate change and disease on its cultivation, as well as the potential...
READ MOREColavita (, the leading family-owned and operated Italian extra virgin olive oil in the United States, is proud to announce the opening of a new dedicated production and distribution facility in Dixon, California. The new location will allow for enhanced production capabilities and efficiencies, greater collaboration with W...
READ MOREThe Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday rejected a class member’s challenge to the settlement of an action under which purchasers of Flippo Berio olive oil—which proclaimed on their labels, “Imported From Italy”—-will receive, subject to provisos, 50 cents for every bottle they purchased between May 23, 2010 and June 30, 2015. The settlem...
READ MOREThere are several sectors of the economy in which the United States is a world leader. One of these is undoubtedly that of advertising, which brings with it the fundamental link with the world of commerce. In the golden age of Madison Avenue, New York, the history of commercial communication was made. The guest of this interview is one of the prota...