Ylenia Sambati, Puglia Travel Consultant and owner at YLTOUR (www.yltourcongressi.com) has recently been elected President of the Wine Route "Vigna del Sole" (www.stradadelvinovignadelsole.it) during the association's general assembly.   She received a unanimous vote from the associated members among which wine cellars, wine makers and munic...

by Meghan Grant   Growing up, Lyndhurst resident Nick Scardigno learned from his father that Italian-Americans aren't like the negative stereotypes portrayed on TV or the movies, but rather share a rich history of art and culture. Now after two years in the making, the Wallington native is close to making his dad's dream come true- unveiling...

Le turbine salentine spiccano il volo. Comincia col vento in poppa, il 2015 di Gp Renewable. La startup del 20enne Gianluigi Parrotto, di cui ci eravamo già occupati, è stata rilevata per 5,5 milioni di euro da quattro investitori americani riuniti sotto le insegne della società Air Group.   I mini impianti eolici prodotti a Casarano, così,...

by Claudia Baroncelli   From the North to the South, Italy has plenty of colorful and picturesque vicoli (alleys) just waiting to be discovered. Here is a selection of the most beautiful. Narrow and often hidden from view, Italian vicoli (alleys) are some of the most typical, picturesque and colorful examples of urban architecture which...

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". The words immortalised in the United States Declaration of Independence remind us that the desire to be happy is a fundamental part of everyone's life. Along with GDP, wealth and political freedoms, the degree of happiness that people enjoy is also worth taking into account in any measure of democracy's...

by Claudia Astarita   The European Commission has recently approved the 2014-2020 Operative National Programme devoted to 14 metropolitan Italian cities. The main goals the intervention pursues are in the field of digital agenda, energetic efficiency, sustainable mobility and social inclusion.   The targeted cities are located in the...

NEW YORK - E' passato circa un mese dal giorno in cui la Puglia Center of America ha celebrato e premiato alcuni dei suoi "figli" di origini pugliesi di spicco in ambito internazionale, nella bellissima sala ricevimenti del Lake Isle Country Club, nella Città di Eastchester, nella Contea del Westchester (New York). Duecento gli ospiti presenti (gi...

Italy is famous the world over for its wines, so even if you are not a serious wine enthusiast you will surely appreciate the beautiful scenery and tradition of a trip through the fine producing wine regions of Italia! Almost every region in Italy produces wine. In fact, Italy claims 20 major growing regions, including the islands of Sicily and Sar...

Si svolge mercoledì 12 marzo a Bari nella sala convegni di Confindustria Bari e BAT il workshop "Stati Uniti d'America: un mercato in forte ripresa sul quale investire" promosso dall'American Chamber of Commerce in Italy e dal Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti d'America e organizzato in collaborazione con il Council of American States in Europe...

Il 2015 sarà un anno decisivo per il movimento degli startupper italiani. Lo avevamo detto presentando l'ebook delle 100 startup che saranno in grado di rivoluzionare il 2015 e sono passati solo pochi giorni per avere la prima conferma.   Gianluigi Parrotto (1994, Casarano) fondatore della Gp Renewable, che produce mini-turbine eoliche, ha c...