The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and PNICube, the Italian Association of University Incubators and Local Business Plan Competition, has established the "Innovation that speaks Italian" award to recognize the highly innovative value of Technology Startups, founded by Italian citizens, operating abroad.   The award...

Apparently, Mario Motta has a successful medical career: Not only is he an established practicing cardiologist but he has also been the president of the Massachusetts Medical Association for many years. Yet he does not talk about it much.   Actually, asking him about his job can be a somewhat frustrating Q&A, where the A is usually a bri...

Nel primo World Social Day l'Italia a Washington torna a essere "hub" della diplomazia digitale.   Un seminario organizzato dall'Ambasciata italiana nella capitale degli Stati Uniti ha puntato i riflettori su come i social network possano essere messi al servizio degli obiettivi dello sviluppo sostenibile.   Read more   Source:...

Faculty from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai joined colleagues from around the world at the University of Brescia in Italy for a recent conference on the internationalization of education and research.   The 2016 Brescia Internationalization Summit, held on July 13, 2016, included a roundtable discussion where participants explor...

The next space station grocery run will carry caffeine to a whole new level: Aboard the SpaceX supply ship is an authentic espresso machine straight from Italy. SpaceX is scheduled to launch its unmanned rocket with the espresso maker — and 4,000 pounds of food, science research and other equipment — Monday afternoon.   The experimental...

by Claudia Astarita   The Centre for Advanced Robotics of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) has successfully taken steps forward in its innovative project "Walkman". The latter consists of a big robot, conceived to operate duringdisasters, either human made or natural ones.   Among its tasks, Walkman has been programmed to ope...

La prima conferenza-expo sulle eccellenze tecnologiche italiane negli Stati Uniti si terrà a Detroit il 9 e 10 maggio 2016 presso la Wayne State University. Aziende italiane leader mondiali nell'ingegneria e nell'innovazione tecnologica tra le quali FCA - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Brembo, Comau, Magneti Marelli, Esaote presenteranno i loro prodot...

Una delle opinioni più ricorrenti tra i graditi ospiti di questa rubrica è quella secondo la quale l'unione tra la creatività italiana e il fecondo ambiente americano genera opportunità e successi altrimenti molto difficili. Capita in vari campi, ma mai come in quello della ricerca. Sono migliaia gli scienziati, gli intellettuali e i ricercatori it...

by Natascia Ronchetti   In the biotech cluster of Mirandola, in the province of Modena, devastation has given way to innovation. The destruction of nearly two-thirds of the area's businesses brought on by an earthquake nearly three years ago was followed by an aggressive reconstruction effort that's catapulted the biggest groups back onto th...

di Francesco Chirico   Nata a Vallo della Lucania, attualmente 'instructor of medicine' (corpo docente) alla Boston University, Giuseppina Stifano, ha deciso di non mollare e la sua ricerca è finanziata da un training grant dell'Nih, ente nazionale americano di ricerca.   Questo finanziamento è dato alle giovani 'promesse' in formazio...