by Bianca Dellepiane In Italy, according to a report of the Ministry of Economic Development, the number of startups is increasing. They now account for about one-fifth of all companies involved in R&D, amounting to almost 5,500 companies. The majority of them are located in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, and Latium. With startups growth the...
READ MOREby Silvia Simonetti In the world's eyes, groundbreaking robotic innovations are usually associated with the high-tech research carried out in leading countries like the U.S. or Japan. Nevertheless, Italy as well boasts a very productive robotics sector, which is one of the best examples of our creativity, programming and manufacturing sk...
READ MOREAs the last Bloomberg Ranking's analysis of global health report, Italy is the second healthiest country in the world. If the old italian proverb, "la salute prima di tutto" ("Health first") is right, this is the perfect first Italian Good News of this 2016. To rank the healthiest countries on Earth, Bloomberg created the health scores and...
READ MOREItalians in DC, in collaborazione con la SAIS Italian Society e l'US-Italy Global Affairs Forum, e' felice di annunciare l'incontro con con Elena Cattaneo, scienziata e senatore a vita. Quando: Martedi' 21 gennaio 2014 alt Ora: 18.00 Dove: SAIS - Room B736, Bernstein-Offit Building, 1717 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington D.C. Read more...
READ MOREUnder the surface of Encelado, one of the smallest moons of Saturn, Luciano Iess and his team found evidence of an extended layer of water. "It is reasonable to think that the hidden ocean is a potential environment for life", explains prof. Iess, who for the past twenty years has been teaching Aerospace Engineering at University La Sapien...
READ MOREWho would have figured that Alzheimer's disease and cardiomyopathy might be siblings, and that new therapies for both might be found simultaneously? In fact, nobody knows for sure, but Dr. Federica Del Monte, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School thinks so. Otherwise, she wouldn't have spent most of her waking life for the past 15...
READ MOREL'Italia è un Paese per vecchi? Certo, secondo le statistiche demografiche che lo mettono fra i primi Paesi al mondo per basso tasso di natalità e alta età media dei suoi cittadini. Ma c'è un altro lato della medaglia, proiettato verso il futuro e non verso la decadenza: l'Istituto italiano di tecnologia (IIT) è il leader internazionale de...
READ MOREThe cancer cells of the body are able to circumvent our natural defenses, preventing our immune system to attack. Many new details on this mechanism have been brought to light by a study conducted at the Hospital Bambin Gesù of Rome and by the Department of Experimental Medicine of the University of Genoa. The study in question was publish...
READ MOREdi Antonio Carnevale Un minuscolo pannello fotovoltaico in grado di catturare la luce per stimolare i neuroni e restituire la vista alle persone. È su questo che da qualche anno sta lavorando un team – composto da fisici, neurobiologi, ingegneri biomedici e chirurghi oftalmologi – nei laboratori del dipartimento Neurosciences and Brain Tec...
READ MORESul fronte della lotta al cancro allo stomaco arrivano buone notizie che parlano italiano. Un team di ricercatori diretti dal professor Antonio Giordano fondatore e direttore dell'Istituto Sbarro per la Ricerca sul Cancro e Medicina Molecolare di Philadelphia, e docente di Anatomia ed Istologia Patologica presso l'Università di Siena, ha recentemen...