The American Academy in Rome has named Garrett Bradley, David Brooks, James Casebere, Sarah Crowner, and John Jesurun as winners of the 2019–2020 Rome Prizes in the category for visual art. A total of 36 Rome Prizes were awarded this year to American and Italian artists and scholars, who receive a stipend plus support to live and work for five to 1...

Have you ever heard the saying “all roads lead to Rome”? This phrase refers to the road system of the Roman Empire in which Rome was positioned in the center with every road departing from it. In all, the Romans built 50,000 miles of hard-surfaced highway that spanned three continents. The first of the great Roman roads, the Via Appia (Appian Way),...

Rome’s ultra-wealthy took weekend trips here to party. Powerful statesmen built luxurious villas on its beach, with heated spas and mosaic-tiled pools where they could indulge their wildest desires. One resident even commissioned a nymphaeum - a private grotto surrounded by marble statues, dedicated solely to ‘earthly pleasure’.   More than 2,000 y...

A 15-year-old boy, known as Simone, has become an overnight internet sensation after standing up to far-right activists during violent protests in Rome. The teen defended minority groups alone while hundreds of far-right activists marched in the streets of the Roman suburb Torre Maura. And the video went viral in hours. The protesters were demonstr...

Tuesday, April 16 at 6:00 PM, Rainey Lecture Room, Penn Museum (3260 South Street, Philadelphia). Free admission. Brian Rose, Ph.D., Peter C. Ferry Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section. In this lecture, Dr. Brian Rose reviews new archaeological discoveries in Rome and Pompeii during the last 30 years. In Rome, in particular, increased construct...

Rome has more fountains than any other city in the world. You can live here for 5 years, visit a new fountain every day and still you wouldn’t have seen them all! They are free to view and open both day & night and that makes them a popular attraction.  Add to the fact, that famous artists throughout the centuries have designed and laboured on thes...

Continua inarrestabile la crescita del turismo nelle città d'arte italiane: hanno chiuso in crescita anche il 2018, con un aumento sostenuto sia degli arrivi (44,4 milioni, 600 mila in più rispetto al 2017) sia delle presenze (da 110 milioni a 113,4 milioni, il 26,3% delle presenze complessive in Italia che hanno toccato i 430 milioni). Il rapporto...

The way that tourists and locals consume the history of Rome is about to change. In an article published in Forbes, Italian travel writer Livia Hengel reports on how technology is changing the way that people view the historical sites scattered around Rome. Spearheading the project are Italian physicist Paco Lanciano and Italian television host and...

Covered in frescoes by Michelangelo, the Sistine Chapel is truly one of the unmissable spots in Rome. There is something so unworldly about the celestial paintings in this Vatican church. You may be completely surrounded but once you look up, the crowd fades away and you cannot help but be astounded by the detail in the colorful ceiling and walls o...

Gladiators: the stars of the ancient Roman world: but it’s not gold all that glitters.  Before Pompeii and Hercolaneum were rediscovered by archaeologists in the 18th century, we knew relatively little about them and the way they lived, but today, also thanks to the findings coming from these  two cities, we can reconstruct fairly well the way thes...