The FIAT® brand has partnered with one of Instagram's first and most active creator communities, #JJ, to commission its founder and top photographers to embark on a photo-documented open road adventure in the new Fiat 500L. The road trip began yesterday (September 17) at the FIAT Studio in Chicago and will make stops in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Washing...

Embassy of Italy - Auditorium3000 Whitehaven Street, NWWashington, DC 20008 MORE INFO & RSVP: CLICK HERE DOORS OPEN AT 6PM AND CLOSE AT 6:30PM   Set in modern day Milan, L'Intrepido is a Chaplinesque odyssey through the world of work - every type of work, but primarily unskilled manual labour - as seen through the eyes of a kind,...

by Susan Heavey and Lisa Lambert   U.S. President Barack Obama and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi will meet April 17 to discuss a range of security issues, including the crisis in Ukraine and ongoing efforts to counter Islamic State, the White House said on Tuesday. "Italy is a valued NATO ally and partner on a broad range of globa...

Natalia Quintavalle, the first woman appointed as Italy's consul general to New York State, visited the Capitol to visit both legislative chambers and accept a resolution of welcome from state Sen. David Carlucci, in his capacity as president of the Conference of Italian-American state legislators.   Quintavalle, currently the interim head o...

Sabato 17 ottobre scorso, l'On. Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli ha partecipato, presso l'Ambasciata italiana a Washington, alla tradizionale riunione annuale di coordinamento consolare, indetta dall'Ambasciatore Bisogniero, con i Capi degli Uffici consolari, i Presidenti dei Comites, i Direttori degli Istituti di cultura e i neo eletti membri del CGIE....

Cari Connazionali, sono felice di celebrare con voi questo 2 giugno del 2013, 67esimo anniversario della fondazione della Repubblica Italiana.   E' un'occasione che ci riempie di gioia e che ha un profondo significato, anche perché è una ulteriore opportunità per celebrare gli eccellenti rapporti di amicizia che esistono fra l'Italia e gli...

What happens when the objective (scientific) part of the mind intersects with the subjective (artistic) part? Bulent Atalay explores this fascinating question by probing the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.   Each was a towering scientific figure, but Leonardo was a scientist doing art, and an artist doing scie...

For any restaurant a presidential visit is a boost, but for Cafe Milano the 49th birthday party Thursday night for First Lady Michelle Obama was especially so.   The last time Milano made any significant headlines was October 2011, when reports circulated that a would-be Iranian bomber had planned to attack the place in an attempt to murder...

Carlo Grante is an Italian classical pianist. He graduated at the National Academy of St Cecilia in Rome, studied at the University of Miami and at the Juilliard School in New York, moved to London, where he studied intensively with Alice Kezeradze-Pogorelich.   He is known as a performer of mainstream classical composers such as Liszt, Moza...

"Nuovi strumenti e tecnologie stanno rendendo la costruzione di oggeti più facile che mai", ha detto il presidente americano Barack Obama ad una platea di studenti e imprenditori riuniti oggi alla Casa Bianca durante il primo "Maker Faire" - la fiera che celebra la creatività americana all'opera.   Obama si è intrattenuto con un gruppo di 10...