Every week, it seems that another fine wine luminary sets her or his sights on the Houston market.Yesterday, ex-Goldman Sachs banker and one of the most powerful players in the Italian wine trade today, Matteo Lunelli (above), descended on Houston for a luncheon and tasting with Houston wine buyers and bloggers at Tony's on Richmond.   "I se...

by Giorgio dell'Orefice   Italian wine producers want to celebrate the 2015 vintage - which looks set to be of unusually excellent quality - with a special "reserve" label. The idea is to set aside more wine from 2015 for the "reserve" (which is of superior quality and carries a special label) than in other years.   The "reserve"...

by Dwight Casimere   New York's Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th Street in Manhattan, is the prestigious venue that will host the final stop of the Slow Wine US Tour, Monday, Feb. 3.   In addition to presenting more than 70 selected Italian wine producers who represent Slow Wine values, the all-day event will begin with a series of...

by Susan Nelson   I thought long and hard about this one, because there are so many things I find charming about Italy. However, I do have my top three reasons that always have the same effect on me each time I return. After making over ten trips to bella Italia, it never changes.   So what are these reasons I find so hard to resist?...

We welcome author Sarah Fioroni and the Consul General of Italy Mr. Giuseppe Pastorelli for an evening of wonderful food, Ms. Fioroni's Tuscan wines and Italian music. Copies of the author's book will be available for her to sign.In A Family Farm in Tuscany, Sarah Fioroni, chef, cooking instructor, sommelier, and manager of her family's organic far...

Lieve battuta d'arresto per le esportazioni vinicole italiane verso gli Stati Uniti al debutto del 2014, ma la lieve contrazione (-3%) registrata in gennaio è controbilanciata da un consistente aumento del 9,7% in valore. Lo afferma, oggi, l'Italian Wine & Food Institute (Iwfi).   L'Italia, nel gennaio 2014, ha esportato 182.240 ettolitr...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 6 to 8 PMItalian Cultural Institute, 1023 Hilgard Avenue - LA 90024 Fees: $40 ($35 for IIC & NASA members). To register please call 310-824-7408 or email to [email protected]   Led by Diego Meraviglia - Gold-Pin Pro Sommelier, Master Taster, North American Sommelier Asso...

Festa della Repubblica oltreoceano per le Famiglie dell'Amarone d'Arte protagoniste a Washington e Boston di due eventi organizzati in occasione dell'anno della cultura italiana. Il vino principe della Valpolicella sarà l'ospite d'onore il 4 giugno della cena ufficiale intitolata alla ricorrenza organizzata all'Ambasciata italiana di Washington con...

200 aziende chiave del settore, con i loro mille marchi, si racconteranno in EXPO 2015 attraverso un padiglione di 5mila metri quadri.   Esso attende non solo i milioni di visitatori dell'Esposizione Universale, ma anche oltre 2mila operatori professionali da tutto il mondo, le cui visite sono già pianificate, da maggio a ottobre del 2015. Q...

The United States is the biggest consumer, drinking some 31,000 hectolitres - 13 percent of the global intake - followed by France. But when it comes to wine production, Italy saw a decline of 17 percent last year after significant harvests in 2013.   France remained the biggest producer of wine in the world, pumping out 47 million hect...