di Loredana Sottile   Usa, 1980. C'era una volta in America - o meglio non c'era ancora - il vino italiano. Oggi sembrerebbe preistoria, considerato che parliamo del primo Paese di destinazione per le nostre esportazioni vitivinicole: 1,1 miliardi di dollari nel 2014.   Cosa è successo nel frattempo? Nel mezzo c'è stata un'evoluzione...

September 25 (Friday) 6:30 pmFesta della Vendemmia/Wine Contest and Dinner DanceWines made by the Society's members are judged and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes are awarded. Wines and grapes will be featured as well as the techniques of winemaking. Italian food will be served. Musical entertainment. Sponsored by The Kensico Italian American Society.Hey...

by Steven Kurutz Matt Baldassano, 35, works in tech and lives in Alphabet City. So when you hear that he makes wine in his apartment, you may want to roll your eyes. Another hipster practicing the dilettante arts? Rooftop Reds, it seems, are the latest product, after pickles and chocolate, to get the artisanal, made-in-New York treatment. &n...

Wine has a long, rich history as a cooking liquid. One of the early "cookbooks," compiled in the first century, "De re Coquinaria" ("On Cooking"), included dozens of recipes that used wine. Since the beginning of recorded history, wine has been considered one of the essential ingredients in cooking. The ancient Greeks used wine and there are numero...

My recent vacation in California wine country inspired me to share a few thoughts on the differences between the US wine industry and the Italian wine industry. We discuss this very subject on almost all of our Bike the Wine Roads tours in Italy. My last post, on Bell Vineyards, discussed the different perspectives on terroir, the natural environme...

  WTI Magazine #35    2014 June, 18Author : Jennifer Gentile Martin      Translation by:   Familiar with Gattinara? I'll give you a hint. It has a lot of similarities to some of the blogs I have posted recently. Well Gattinara is primarily made up of the Nebbiolo grape. Gattinara is in the commune in Piedmont where this wine comes from, in the n...

In the year of Expo the University of Urbino has created a new course that will train students for a profession that is directly linked to the Italian tradition of food, well-being and storytelling. The new figure, presented during the Expo, is called "Narratore del gusto e della cultura, Comunicatore del benessere, Selezionatore delle tipicità ita...

by James Duren   The Old World wines have always been a hit in the New World, and an article released by Reuters earlier this year indicates the love affair between old and new isn't letting up. "Although Italy is the world's largest wine exporter, Italians are drinking less wine as American consumption rises," Reuters reported.  ...

di Jennavave Barbero   Sono di origine italo-americana, sono nata in California e poi da qualche anno sono tornata a vivere in Italia, a Milano perché non ho mai dimenticato le mie origini. Infatti piu' di 100 anni fa, come mi hanno raccontato in famiglia, i miei bisnonni Giorgio e Amelia Domenica Barbero sono immigrati in California partend...

Nel quadro delle iniziative in favore del vino italiano sui mercati internazionali abbiamo il piacere di comunicare che dal 7 al 10 febbraio 2016 è prevista a New York la realizzazione della 5° edizione dell'Italian Wine Week 2016 - VINO 2016. La convention, conosciuta negli USA come VINO 2016, e che avrà luogo presso l'Hotel Hilton Midtown, pre...