The heritage tourism, in Italy called “tourism of the roots”, has arisen in the Italian public discourse a tremendous debate – think of the contributions of the PNRR foreseen for “return tourism”. The Altreitalie Center wishes to start to investigate the literature related to the visits home by the descendants of Italian emigrants and by contempora...

The protagonist of this new interview is one of the most important personalities among those who deal with Italian emigration abroad. Ilaria Del Bianco was President of UNAIE, the National Union of Immigrant and Emigrant Associations. She is a member of the Bureau of the Council of Tuscans Abroad, and President of the "Lucchesi nel mondo" Associati...

The Director General of the Mission Unit for the implementation of the Recovery Plan of the Ministry of Culture, Angelantonio Orlando, and the Director General for Italians Abroad of the Farnesina, Luigi Maria Vignali, signed today, at the Ministry of Culture, the Agreement that officially launches the Recovery Plan Project "Tourism of the Roots -...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is the home of our country's foreign policy. This glorious and historical Italian institution is in charge of the relations with other countries, with Italians around the world, and it is here that people are selected and strategies are decided to then represent Italy abroad, in the vari...

Sono Lombardia, Molise, Calabria e Sicilia le quattro Regioni protagoniste del secondo volume “Guida alle radici italiane. Un viaggio sulle tracce dei tuoi antenati”, prodotta da Raìz Italiana con il sostegno della Direzione Generale per gli Italiani all’Estero del Maeci. L’impostazione ricalca quella del primo volume, risalente al 2019 e dedicato...

The list of Italians who hold here in Italy institutional positions of collaboration with the United States is not very long. We have interviewed almost all of them over the years, and today we host one of them, who is also a close personal friend of mine. Andrea Gumina is the President of Amerigo - Intercultural Exchange Program Alumni Association...

Una parte dei fondi del pnrr sarà destinato al “turismo delle radici” per i connazionali all’estero che tornano in Italia. Così sottosegretario agli Affari esteri e alla Cooperazione internazionale, Benedetto Della Vedova, ha risposto, dinanzi al Comitato permanente sugli italiani nel mondo e la promozione del sistema Paese. “Il turismo delle radic...

Ciao from Rome, welcome to another wonderful issue of our magazine. Things are getting better in Italy, as we tell you twice a week in our video and audio podcast We the ItaliaNews, which we encourage you to watch or listen to all the time. This past June 2, Italy celebrated 75 years of our Republic. At that time Italy chose the Republic and decide...

Si è tenuta online la presentazione del Master di I livello in “Progettazione e gestione dei viaggi delle radici” promosso dall’Università della Calabria e finanziato dal Ministero degli Esteri. Il webinar è stato organizzato dall’Associazione Direttori Albergo, rappresentata da Giovannangelo Pergi, che ha parlato della necessità di hub territorial...