South Carolina's state Commerce Department, announced that Meter Bearings Group, Italian designer and manufacturer of ball and roller bearings, is opening its first U.S. manufacturing plant in Walterboro to be near the Port of Charleston. The company designs and produces ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearings and plans to begin production a...

Il Dott. Gian Luigi Russo è ricercatore presso l' Istituto di scienza dell'alimentazione-CNR di Avellino e al momento è impegnato in attività di ricerca in qualità di borsista Fulbright Research Scholar presso Stony Brook University, New York.   Il Dott. Russo è impegnanto in ricerche sulla leucemia linfatica cronica e, in particolare, sull'...

Women played a major role in the lives of immigrants, especially immigrants into early 20th Century America. Unfortunately their role has largely been ignored, and forgotten. Hopefully this book will help rectify that issue. It brings the remembrances of Italian American women who emigrated from Italy and settled in Connecticut.   Each chapt...

They have clothed the world's wealthy fashionistas and bejeweled Hollywood stars. Now, Italy's kings of fashion are poised to give this nation's crumbling monuments a makeover to restore them to their former glory, something the cash-strapped Italian government cannot do.   But as Italy courts private cash to rescue some of the globe's best-...

Want to beef up your knowledge of classic Italian-American literature? Us too! So, we are starting a friendly group to read together and then share our experiences and thoughts about some great works of Italian-American fiction. This is not a class; no one will be teaching.   Calandra staff member Sian Gibby will provide study questions and...

Dopo i riconoscimenti ricevuti a Londra per il project financing in ambito europeo e continentale – Project Financing International Awards di Thomson Reuters e - Project Financing Magazine di Euromoney Conferences, arriva sabato 4 ottobre il terzo ed importante premio internazionale consegnato a Chicago (Illinois – USA): Francesco Bettoni, Presiden...

Ettore Messina had taken a sip from the NBA cup before when he was a consultant on Mike Brown's staff with the Lakers for the 2011-12 season. This time is like opening wide, throwing back his head and drinking it all in. "The Spurs," he said with a grin. "It is a familiar taste." A comfortable fit, like a designer Italian suit.The team w...

By Palmer Hasty   Brooklyn native Peter Della Rocca's Italian cooking heritage goes way back to 1894, when his great grandparents Dominick and Ana Sorvino landed on Ellis Island from Naples, Italy.   The Sorvinos settled in Brooklyn, and within a year started what became a proud, long-standing family tradition of rustic Italian cookin...

When it comes to authentic Italian food, Boston certainly has plenty of it. Not only are we home to the North End's Italian fare but many of our restaurants have also somehow managed to make this category of food even better (if that's possible).   Two of those local Italian eateries have even earned a nod in Thrillist's list of "Best Italia...

Ben di senso è privo, chi ti conosce, Italia, e non t'adora, scrisse Vincenzo Monti. Se è vero che l'arte degli italiani sta nella bellezza, l'America è in cerca di "prove", per raccontare oltreoceano le meraviglie del Bel Paese, scrigno di arte, cultura, storia, natura. Superando gli stereotipi e mettendo da parte i cliché che spesso ne imprigiona...

di Glauco Maggi   Da Bergamo, il presidente dell'Atalanta Antonio Percassi va alla conquista del Grand Canyon grazie all'alleanza con gli indiani Navajo. Invece dei cowboy, pero', dovra' superare la resistenza dei verdi.   Percassi, della cui holding diversificata di imprese sotto il suo controllo sono parte anche la Stilo Immobiliare...

The most exciting evening in ASILM Gala history will take place at The Pierre Hotel in Manhattan on Thursday, February 19, 2015. With famous honoreesand multiple features showcasing the best of Italian excellence, the 49th Annual ASILM Gala Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony will be an event not to be missed. The...