by Giorgio dell'Orefice   An excellent harvest using the standards of last year. That is what is ahead for the 2016 Italian wine label according to forecasts made by the Italian Wine Union and by ISMEA (Institute of Services to the Agricultural and Food Market controlled by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies).   These estimates wil...

Once again, San Francisco celebrated the great success of Cinema Italia with the all-celluloid "Anna Magnani - A Film Series" at the iconic Castro Theatre on Saturday, September 24. The series began with a long line for the legendary first film at 1pm, with Roberto Rossellini's "Roma Città Aperta", with a excited crowd wrapping around the bloc...

It seemed highly appropriate to be test-riding the new Ducati XDiavel along the famous Skyline Boulevard, located in the hills south of San Francisco. For Ducati's North American HQ is located immediately to the east in the valley below, an oasis of real-time hedonism surrounded by several Apple R&D centres attempting to replicate similar...

St. Stephen's Church on Hanover Street will be hosting a free showing of the highly anticipated documentary, Boston's North End: An Italian American Story. The event is open to the public and will be held on Saturday, November 5th, doors open at 6:30pm, reservations are required and can be made by visiting, or by calling (617) 87...

"What do you miss most about Italy?" I asked my first Italian teacher in San Francisco many years ago. "La piazza," she said so wistfully that I thought for a moment it might be someone's name. After years of passing time in Italian piazze, I now understand her fondness for these very special places.   The piazza is an Italian's se...

By Elisabetta Povoledo The last time the Oscar-winning production designer Dante Ferretti tackled New York City, he created the violent mean streets of a mid-19th-century Manhattan slum, a bleak, ramshackle neighborhood where blood and mud caked the ground, for Martin Scorsese's 2002 opus, "Gangs of New York."   This time around, Mr. Ferret...

By Pete Kennedy   "When I was growing up, we thought the whole world was Italian Catholic, because that's all we saw," said Rev. Nick Martorano, O.S.A.   An Augustinian priest, Martorano has spent 33 years as pastor at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church in South Philadelphia. He grew up in the same neighborhood and was baptized at the c...

Attribute to NIAF Chairman of the Board Joseph V. Del Raso. "On behalf of the Italian American community, the National Italian American Foundation congratulates our Board Member Vinnie Viola on this prestigious appointment. He is a patriotic American who served his country as an Airborne Ranger infantry officer after his graduation from West Point,...

By Rick Shrum For a half-century, click America was a land of opportunity for people in Italy. Many had been impoverished and/or suppressed politically in their homeland, cialis and envisioned sunnier times across the Atlantic. "My grandparents were among the four million Italians who left for the United States between 1880 to 1930," Tina Calabro...

AUR summer programs offer you an opportunity which combines stimulating and challenging academics with unforgettable social and cultural experiences both on campus and in the enchanting city of Rome.Enjoy the city's attractions and activities as a part of the community and at the same time, you may earn credits toward you degree. Live in local apar...

New York, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2010, pp.299, $28.   Versione inglese del precedente Quei bravi ragazzi (Marsilio, 2007) curato dai soli Spagnoletti e Muscio, il presente volume si arricchisce di due nuovi curatori (Sciorra e Tamburri), andandosi a inserire nel sempre più numeroso gruppo di studi dedicati nel nuovo mil...

La Coord3 Industries SRL di Bruzolo (TO) ha recentemente aperto un centro vendite e servizi a Wixom, Michigan.La struttura, che comprende un centro di ricostruzione e di produzione di Macchine di Misura a Coordinate (CMM), è il risultato di un grande lavoro per espandere la rete Coord3 globalmente e in Nord America, che l'azienda considera un merca...