Italy is officially the world’s second healthiest country, narrowly beaten to the top spot by Spain. That's according to the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. There's no doubt that the legendary Mediterranean diet is a big factor in the ranking. But is living in Ita...

Il Salone del Mobile.Milano lancia per l’edizione 2019 questa nuova parola d’ordine che arricchisce il suo Manifesto e ribadisce il suo legame sempre più forte con Milano, la capitale globale del design. A partire dalla location scelta per presentare il Salone: La Triennale. Ingegno che connota - e definisce perfettamente - il valore delle aziende,...

Cibus, the major professional Show for authentic Italian food products, comes back to Parma, Italy, on April 10 & 11 2019. "Cibus Connect", Cibus's smart edition that runs every other year, returns with its simplified formula and lay-out allowing a more efficient visiting experience. Organized by Fiere di Parma, in collaboration with Federalimentar...

When a woman becomes pregnant, she knows there are going to be plenty of changes. She is going to undergo physiological changes, with her body preparing itself for accommodating a growing baby for the next nine months. These changes will vary over the weeks. But she is also going to have plenty of stuff swirling about in her mind; thoughts of sheer...

Coffee lovers start out innocently enough with drip filters, French presses, milk frothers, and stovetop espresso makers; but then next thing you know, they're browsing Amazon for full-on espresso machines with all the bells and whistles. If you've reached that stage of coffee addiction, don't worry, we're here for you. We've researched everything...

When: Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CDT) - Where: Italian Cultural Institute | 500 N Michigan Ave | Suite 1450 | Chicago IL Jenifer Landor, Founder of Live and Learn Italian, will lead guests on a journey to discover Molise, a hidden Italian gem wedged between Abruzzo and Puglia, which is largely unknown, even to some Italians....

Although pizza, spaghetti and other pastas are normally associated with Italy, bread plays an extremely large role in the diets of most Italians. There is rarely a meal served in Italy where bread is not included. Italy and the word “bread” just seem to go together as a pair. A History that starts in the Neolithic era Although no one really knows w...

"Un valtellinese in Silicon Valley" è l'incontro proposto giovedì 14 Marzo dall'Associazione Culturale Valtellinesi a Milano che si svolgerà alle ore 18 nella sede di via Palestro del capoluogo meneghino. Fabrizio Capobianco è stato definito "un'autorità morale tra gli startupper italiani d'America". Nato a Sondrio, laureato in Ingegneria all'Unive...

The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan announces that as of March 1, 2019 it has been named a PLIDA Certification Center (Italian Language Project Dante Alighieri), a very important accomplishment for the Metropolitan Area of Detroit. There are 350 Certification Centers in seventy-four countries in the world. PLIDA is a language certification prog...

The following parishes, schools and entities of the Archdiocese of New Orleans will host St. Joseph Altars for the feast of St. Joseph on March 19. The tradition, which is Sicilian and Roman Catholic in origin but is carried on locally by Italian-Americans and people of all nationalities and faiths, includes baking cookies and cakes and preparing f...

The Gene Siskel Film Center will present the the 22nd Annual Chicago European Union Film Festival through April 4. The following Italian films will be screened at the festival. (Descriptions were provided by the Gene Siskel Film Center.) LORO: 2018, Paolo Sorrentino, Italy/France, 150 min. With Toni Servillo, Elena Sofia Ricci. Wednesday, March 13,...

“Gli Stati Uniti non sarebbero gli Stati Uniti senza il prezioso contributo degli italiani, New York non sarebbe New York senza La Scuola d’Italia. Una bellissima serata”.  Queste le parole della senatrice Francesca Alderisi (FI), eletta nella Circoscrizione Estero, in Nord e Centro America, che lo scorso 8 marzo ha partecipato al Benefit Gala 2019...