Si chiama Emanuele Lo Schiavo l’Ufficiale della Marina Militare che ha conseguito la seconda migliore prestazione nella storia della U.S. Navy. A darne notizia è il Ministero della Difesa, spiegando che il Guardiamarina – Ufficiale Palombaro del Gruppo Operativo Subacquei (G.O.S.)- ha conseguito la seconda migliore prestazione nella storia della Ma...

Regina DeCicco, who has been seen on FOX TV’s “Laughs,” brings her stand-up act to the Treehouse Comedy Club in the Westport Inn on Saturday, Jan. 20. Spoiler alert — yes, she’s Italian. And yes, that aspect of her background inspires some of her comedy, like when she talks about how her mom wanted her to marry Tony Danza. She was only 5 at the tim...

WHO IS IN CHARGE “We’re making real, Italian food,” John Goldberg said of Mangia Sano in Milford, N.H., which he owns and operates with his wife, Kristin DeRosa. Goldberg is a former executive in the financial industry. He and his wife embarked on extensive research before opening the restaurant about six months ago. 

When we think about the Italian superior quality in how to educate our children, a world well known excellence is the Reggio Emilia Approach. Launched after the war by Prof. Loris Malaguzzi, it has slowly but constantly carved out an ever-increasing and appreciated space, in a field as important and delicate as that of primary education. The US has...

Something to know about him: Cellini grew up in Springfield but currently lives and works as a documentary writer (for Cinema Verite, Ltd.) and Italian genealogical researcher in Los Angeles and Chicago. He researches Italian genealogy for a fee and holds seminars on the topic. Cellini will discuss the history of Italians and Italian immigration in...

The Italian American Police Society of N.J. and the family of Hannah Cerullo is asking for help for Hannah, the 11 year old daughter of Michael Cerullo of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office who is battling cancer. Hannah “the princess warrior” is fighting very hard and is in need of blood transfusions to aid her in this fight. Hannah is a sixth gra...

Fare dell'esperienza agroalimentare la protagonista di ogni angolo del territorio nazionale è l'obiettivo che si pone l'anno nazionale del cibo italiano, proclamato su iniziativa dei ministri Dario Franceschini (Beni e delle attività culturali e del Turismo) e Maurizio Martina ( Politiche agricole e forestali). Una sorta di proseguimento logico di...

I never considered running for office. In fact, over the past 10 years or so when friends would suggest it, and I would jokingly respond, “I wouldn’t pass the vetting process!” My doubt wasn’t in my background, and it certainly wasn’t in my desire to serve people. But having never run for political office, I questioned my patience to actually parti...

The Italian Social Club of Chicago started with a conversation over dinner. The concept was simple: find a way to foster all things Italian - including food and wine - with others who have an affinity for the Italian culture. In the process this would allow its members to create new and lasting memories and friendships.  Celebrating over food has a...

Russo’s New York Pizzeria (Russo’s), known for authentic New York style pizza’s and authentic Italian fare in both its iconic restaurant chains and in the freezer aisle of grocery stores, is shaking up the restaurant industry with a new, fast-casual, pizza and pasta-focused concept offering a fresh approach to classic Italian dining. Chef Anthony R...

Alfa Romeo, the Italian brand built (and rebuilt) on 1960s sex appeal, posted the biggest surge in US sales in 2017, an anachronistic result in an industry currently mesmerised by battery packs and self-piloted transportation pods. The carmaker won its bragging rights the oldfashioned way — through performance. Alfas have curb appeal, powerful engi...

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 15th and the Civil Rights Movement, the Italian American Museum cordially invites you to attend a screening of "Linciati: Lynchings of Italians in America" (2004, 51 min.). Friday, January 19th, 6:30 PM - Italian American Museum - 155 Mulberry Street (Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets) - New...