Good food runs in Rose Brutico Fazio’s family, but she still never believed she’d own her own restaurant one day. As the granddaughter of the original owners of Brutico’s restaurant in Old Forge, she learned treasured family recipes for sauce and meatballs from her uncle and relatives. When Fazio’s own children were young and she made the sauce for...

Even if I hadn’t ridden my bike 191 miles on roads that climbed 23,850 vertical feet in the past four days, my quads would have found the flight of steps up to the podium of the Giro d’Italia — the Tour of Italy — steep. Still in my cleated cycling shoes, which are ideal for riding but not the best for walking, I ascend the galvanized steel treads...

The best pizza in Italy? It’s in New York City, of course. Well, officially, it’s in Southern Italy — either in pizza king Naples or in Tramonti, a tiny coastal town that gives its big-city neighbor a run for its dough. But southern Manhattan has the next-best thing at Tramonti La Pizza pizzeria, on Saint Mark’s Place. There, chef Giovanni Vittorio...

In some parts of Italy the feast  of San Nicola, patron saint of Bari, ushers in the Christmas season (stagione natalizia) with the giving of gifts (regali) on the eve or morning of December 6, his onomastico (name’s day). Although many stories of San Nicola’ s life may be mythical, he did inspire the figure of a beloved old man—whether he’s known...

For the first time, visitors will be able to enter a hidden cell in the Medici Chapels where Michelangelo is thought to have covered the walls with sketches. Until some 40 years ago, no one realized that it existed. And when curators discovered a secret room beneath the Medici Chapels in the Basilico di San Lorenzo in Florence, its walls covered in...

Writing for a living is at once a curse and a blessing: a curse because, believe me, writer’s block is real and hits when you least expect it. A blessing because nothing can really beat sitting down with your thoughts, day in day out, writing them down on a piece of paper - if you like doing stuff the old fashioned way like me, that is - and mould...

L’Italia per poter recuperare la leadership di primo fornitore in America deve puntare in principal modo sulle etichette premium con un prezzo superiore ai 20 dollari a bottiglia. Questo e’ quanto emerge da un’attenta analisi effettuata da Nomisma. A quanto pare gli Stati Uniti ricoprono la prima posizione di mercato principale di consumo di vino a...

Matteo Perin is an Italian designer who creates custom-made, luxury clothing for international celebrities and business leaders. He has growing ties with Birmingham, including Shaia's of Homewood Inc. How did you first become involved in Birmingham? I met Ken Shaia – of Shaia’s Homewood – while I was in New York City. He told me all about his store...

Il colosso Usa dell’e-commerce dedica una sezione alle eccellenze italiane, dove le piccole imprese possono vendere i propri prodotti tradizionali, visibili ai 285 milioni di clienti del marketplace più conosciuto in Occidente Sono circa 800 gli artigiani italiani che vendono i propri prodotti tramite la vetrina ‘Made in Italy’ di Amazon, che perme...

Un siciliano, di origini ragusane, Scoglitti per l’esattezza, e’ il nuovo sindaco Elmwood Park, tranquilla cittadina americana di 20 mila abitanti sita a 40 chilometri da New York. Francesco Caramagna, infatti, è stato eletto primo cittadino a seguito delle attesissime elezioni locali di novembre spuntandola dopo 50 anni di governo repubblicano e c...

Save for a few SXSW day parties and the occasional boozy brunch, we haven’t spent much time in the daylight near East Sixth Street. But all that may change soon when New Waterloo’s latest concept opens a block from the bustling strip. The hospitality group behind the South Congress Hotel and Hotel Ella, and restaurants like La Condesa and Sway, ann...

In the lineup of 2 0th-century "bad guys," Adolf Hitler usually comes out on top, with Joseph Stalin running a close second. Behind them, Francisco Franco often appears and, farther down, Benito Mussolini. Now, with the publication of her latest work of nonfiction, A Bold and Dangerous Family: The Remarkable Story of an Italian Mother, Her Two Sons...