Italian Americans and Native Americans Forge Historic Milestone - IAOVC and NAGA Make Joint Presentation

Feb 16, 2024 965

The Italian American One Voice Coalition (“IAOVC”), America’s largest independent Italian American anti-bias organization, announced that, for the first time a historic alliance was launched. IAOVC President Andre DiMino welcomed Eunice Davidson, President and founding member of the Native American Guardians Association (“NAGA”) to a meeting of Italian American organizations sponsored by Scranton UNICO with over 150 in attendance.

DiMino made a presentation for opposition to Bill S2970, a US Senate Bill that seeks to eliminate the federal Columbus Day Holiday, and to announce the unprecedented alliance with NAGA. Scranton UNICO welcomed Mr. DiMino and Mrs. Davidson to the meeting to discuss US Senate Bill S2970. The bill, introduced in late 2023, seeks to eliminate Columbus Day as a Federal holiday and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day.

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SOURCE: Italian Amrican One Voice Coalition

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