Mt. Carmel 's decision not to reopen has parishioners questioning the future

Jun 19, 2020 744


Empty pews due to COVID-19 have meant empty collection baskets for churches throughout the region. Our Lady of Mount Carmel might be the first casualty. Since the merger of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Immaculate Conception into one parish — St. Teresa of Calcutta — in 2016, the parish has worked to build one community but with two worship sites.

Over the years Mount Carmel, located in the Fourth Ward, struggled with much-needed roof repairs and tried to raise funds for heating and cooling upgrades, holding fundraisers such as the well-attended feasts and tricky trays. Masses were held every day, and once on Saturdays and Sundays. Immaculate Conception, in the Third Ward, held four Masses on Sunday, in addition to daily Masses.

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