NIAF 47th anniversary Gala brings a weekend of celebration while strengthening new collaborations and existing partnerships

Nov 09, 2022 997

BY: Serena Perfetto

If we had to describe the 47th edition of the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Gala in a few words, we could not find a better way than “it was a memorable celebration at many, if not all, levels.” Washington DC became the place to be for Italian Americans in the US on October 29th, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, when NIAF put together one of the most awaited and enjoyable moments for the community in the last few years.

NIAF is the largest representative of the more than 20 million Italian American citizens living in the United States. The Foundation’s activities aim at encouraging Italian Americans to continue keeping their heritage and traditions alive and present and try to ensure the great contribution Italians made to the history and progress of the United States isn’t forgotten. To this end, the Foundation actively collaborates with the United States Congress and the White House on all major issues affecting Italian Americans.

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