OFFICIAL NIAF STATEMENT: Appointment of Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa to Serve as Interim New Jersey Senator

Jun 09, 2013 1537

Attribute to Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq., National Italian American Foundation Chairman (NIAF)

"On behalf of the National Italian American Foundation Board of Directors, we send our warmest congratulations to New Jersey Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa on his appointment to serve as the interim replacement for U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg, who passed away earlier this week.

"We wish Jeff Chiesa every success in the United States Senate as he tackles key issues and challenges facing our great nation.

"The Foundation looks forward to working with the interim senator as he joins prominent members of the Italian American Congressional Delegation of the 113th United States Congress.

"His experience and leadership, most recently as New Jersey's 59th Attorney General, Chief Counsel to Governor Chris Christie and a law partner at the firm of Wolf & Samson, are a testament to his skills and years of outstanding public service to the citizens of New Jersey and our country. As an Italian American, he is proud of his rich heritage and culture."

Chiesa will be sworn in on Monday, June 10, 2013, in our nation's capital.

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