Presentation of “Sabato Rodia’s Watts Towers” - Mondey, October 27 at 7:00 pm

Oct 23, 2014 1004

Luisa Del Giu­dice will dis­cuss "Sabato Rodia's Watts Tow­ers." The mag­i­cal sculp­tures called the Watts Tow­ers, made from concrete-encased iron adorned in found glass, ceramic and shells loom silently over the streets of South Cen­tral Los Ange­les.

The sculp­tures were made by an Ital­ian immi­grant, Sabato Rodia, over a period of 33 years. Ms. Del Giu­dice is the Direc­tor of Ital­ian Oral His­tory Insti­tute (1994-present). The book is edited by Luisa Del Giu­dice and includes essays from twenty authors. Refresh­ments to be served.

Where: The Cen­ter for Ital­ian and Ital­ian Amer­i­can Cul­ture, 411 Pomp­ton Avenue, Set. 5, Cedar Grove (lower level)

Fee: Mem­bers $5.00 Non-members $7.00

Reser­va­tions required: Call 973.571.1995 or e-mail: [email protected]


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