The afterlife of books and other curious artifacts

May 03, 2013 2255

Conference on digital projects directed by Prof. Massimo Riva (Brown University), about the Decameron Web (Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio), the Project Pico (a few masterpieces by Giovanni Pico – Mirandola) and the Panorama Garibaldi

May 3, 2013
New Brunswick
Rutgers University

conference starting at 4.30 pm

Prof. Massimo Riva illustrates the highlights of his work in the design of the application of information technologies in the humanities, starting with the Web Decameron (a resource on the Web for the study and the teaching of Giovanni Boccaccio's masterpieces, the digital edition of the "Oratio De Hominis Dignitante" and the "Conclusiones Nongentae" by Giovanni Pico of the Mirandola, the Garibaldi project based on the digitalization of the view of the nineteenth century (a roll of about 84 meters in length and a meter and sixty in height, painted on both sides with the episodes of Giuseppe Garibaldi's life). During his presentation, Prof. Riva will describe the various phases of the design and the construction of this resource for research. He will also discuss the theoretical perspectives and practices open to the academic community and to Italian studies with the advent of digital technologies that promote the survival and the spread of "virtual" books and artifacts of the past.

Fonte: Italy in US 2013

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