Thomas SanFilippo Elected to the IAPSNJ Executive Board

Dec 07, 2018 1064

The Italian American Police Society of New Jersey is proud to announce the election of Jersey City Police Detective Thomas SanFilippo to its Executive Board. Detective Thomas SanFilippo knew from an early age that he wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement – at the age of 16, he enrolled in the Roxbury Police Explorers program, transitioning to a Roxbury Township Police/Fire/EMS dispatcher in the year 2000. He attended the Morris County Police Training Academy and graduated with the 62nd Basic Police Class of 2003.

The experience he gained as a Morris County Sheriff’s Officer from 2003 through 2008 assigned to the Protective Services Division, during which time he served on the Morris County Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team as a tactical EMT and as an advisor for the Morris County Sheriff’s Explorer Post #140, led to his transfer to the Jersey City Police Department. 

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