Exploring migration through art and culture

Aug 21, 2021 756

BY: Rita Cipalla

Migration is an expansive concept with many applications and gradations of meaning. For some, the word is closely tied with parents or grandparents immigrating to the United States from Italy or another country. Others attuned to the natural world think of migration as it reflects the seasonal movements of animals or birds. It carries an entirely different meaning for the tech community, connoting data being moved from one system to another.

Seattle Perugia Sister City Association (SPSCA) is poised to explore migration through another lens — that of art and culture — as part of the newly launched Migration Project. In 2022, five artists from the Seattle area will exhibit their artwork alongside five Perugini artists at the Civic Museum in Perugia’s Palazzo della Penna. The project gives artists in both cities an opportunity to create work that reflects their personal take on the idea of migration, whether factual or metaphoric. 

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SOURCE: https://italoamericano.org

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