Associazione Marchi storici d’Italia

Associazione Marchi storici d’Italia was established to promote, at all levels, the strategic importance of Italian historical trademarks and their impetus as a tool for competitiveness and internationalization, helping to enhance Italy's image, by combining the efforts of companies that own historical trademarks and the competent public administrations.

If the brand is the tool through which customer loyalty occurs, Ekaf Industria nazionale del Caffè, among the founding members of the Associazione Marchi Storici d'Italia, has behind it a history of excellence that has made the brand a synonym for all-Italian quality. Indeed, the “Columbia” roasting company, opened in Livorno (Tuscany) in 1946, imm...

The Benetton Group has joined the Associazione Marchi Storici d'Italia as a Founding Member. Founded in 1965 in Ponzano Veneto, in the province of Treviso, Benetton Group is today one of the best-known fashion companies in the world. Present in the main international markets with a commercial network of about 3,600 stores, it has always dedicated s...