This past summer, six Princeton students from different academic backgrounds embarked on the inaugural year of the language immersion program in Pisa, Italy. For four weeks, students explored various themes, ultimately improving their Italian language proficiency while simultaneously gaining a deeper understanding of the country’s rich and diverse...

Frayed teddy bears and broken toy cars resurrect under the magic touch of Guido Pacelli, a modern-day Geppetto who works overtime so that Rome's poor and sick children wake up to a gift on Christmas morning.Armed with a screwdriver, a microscope and a small welder, "Guido Aggiustagiocattoli", a.k.a Guido the Toy Fixer, has mended between 50 and 70...

The Italian American Police Society of NJ recently concluded its Holiday Season with a party for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of NJ. The Society purchased and collected toys for hundreds of at risk children from North Jersey. The party was held at the American Legion Post 155 in Whippany and had face painting, pizza and lots of bugs and smiles from...

Avere un figlio all'estero, con il quale si comunica via Skype, via Whatsapp. È ormai una consuetudine per molte famiglie italiane che prendono atto dell'assenza di opportunità di carriera in Italia e accettano la dipartita, con grande sofferenza, al punto che molti italiani sono più preoccupati per i propri ragazzi che emigrano, anziché dell’arriv...

Looking on doing something with the whole family before the New Year? This event may be for you! The Zoppe Italian Family Circus are back in the Valley and will be hosting their shows in Chandler for it's 11th year. This year, they are all about the women as the show is called  La Nonna or “Grandmother” in Italian. Organizers say the shows are dedi...

Tickets for the Colosseum will also include a swathe of sites in the Roman forum from January 1, the culture ministry recalled on Tuesday. The new 'differentiated' ticketing system has been introduced for the Colosseum and other nearby archaeological sites in Rome. Visitors will have to pay 16 euros, an increase of 33% from 12 euros, for a ticket g...

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm. New Season's Market, 7703 SW Nyberg Street, Tualatin OR. For the past two decades, Bob Powers and his husband Donald have made dozens of trips to the beautiful walled city of Lucca. For much of the past decade, Bob has been working on a travel memoir, based upon his experience trying to learn the blessed Italian...

The Miami Marlins and Team Italy catcher Francisco Cervelli have reached an agreement on a one-year deal worth $2 million. The 33-year-old Italian-Venezuelan made his MLB debut with the New York Yankees in 2008 when he played alongside current Miami Marlins CEO Derek Jeter and special adviser Jorge Posada. 2009 proved to be a monumental year for Fr...

A Bronx couple is bringing a taste of true Italian cuisine to the neighborhood. Aurora Cerrato and her husband Estevan Vargas decided it would be great to share their love for food with others, opening MangiPasta in the heart of Little Italy."So, as it says the name itself, it's where you can come and eat pasta. You pick the pasta with the sauce. S...

From Friday, January 17, 2020, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Scripps Ranch Theatre, 9783 Avenue of Nations, San Diego, 92131. Age limit: 18+ Cost: $37 | Get tickets. The plot of this Italian American comedy is near operatic: 2 men, 2 women and an overseeing matriarch - Aunt Mae. Huey is married to Janice, Aldo loves Janice, Teresa hates Janice. Huey also loves...

Sunday, January 5, 2020. 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST. Italian Cultural Center of Maryland, 315 Homeland Southway, Baltimore, MD 21212. Italian Cultural Center of Maryland's Caffè Letterario is an intimate conversation with selected guests about the arts, community and culture over coffee and pastries in the classic Italian style. It facilitates the shari...

For neighborhoods within the five boroughs, Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights have long been beautiful neighborhoods with rich colonial history and many gorgeous homes on larger plots of land . Dyker, having been a hidden gem for decades, is now world-renowned for the cluster of mansions with the most tantalizing Christmas decorations and lights each yea...